The phrase "compressed to hell"


Mediocre metal maker
Dec 18, 2010
Suffolk, United Kingdom
What does this actually mean exactly in terms of compression? I see it around here a lot. So is it high ratios/thresholds or what? Bit noobish I know, but hopefully you guys could shed some light on it.

^ ummmmm .... no

it basically means squeezing all the dynamics out of something to level them out ... whether you hear it working or not is something else and mostly dependent on the context of when the phrase is used
Thanks guys! I've seen people say that in some mixes it would sound better if the room mics were compressed to hell. Or just sending some hits to a bus and compressing the hell out of it.
The gain reduction gets so fuckin low (or high, as you view it) that it penetrates into the Earth's core, which people back in the 1400's referred to as Hell.