The Plutonic Chronic.


Manically depressed robot
May 5, 2002
Wellington, NZ
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Hi there...

First time I've posted any music I've made on this forum, hope it's alright. Got a soundclick page here, and I collaborate on this project with Death's Acre. Sent him an email to check if it's ok that I post this here, and if he gets back to me saying he doesn't I might delete this thread.

But for's some of our music! Classic rock inspired. Much more is to come...

And yeah, I know the standards are very high for production around here. Don't think we've peaked in that respect quite yet, but we're slowly getting there. Before long we should be up to the standards set around here, think we're doing ok so far.
Hey man, that is not bad at all!

Really, at first, the mix strikes me as a bit weak.. but i love.. LOVE the vocals on it as well as the entire groove and feeling i get from the songs!

Classic indeed man...

Dreaming takes the cake though (is that a expression?) that is the best song you guys have so far.. it brings the vocals more to it's right.. everything sounds a bit better overall on that one...

i love the fact it's mixed with those claps instead of a snare every now and then in the beginning... the guitars sound better on that one as well.. vocals, again, are amazing!

I can't believe nobody jumped on this one before me.. good stuff Static and Death's Acre!

(ps... i heard dreaming before somewhere.. did you post on another forum? or did i miss it on this one?)

Yeah, actually I posted dreaming here while I was trying to mix it(hence Static being unsure of whether I'd be ok with him posting the completed song). I'm JUST starting to learn how to utilize eq more effectively so maybe by the time we've done two or three more the production will be quite a lot better. I also posted it on the Swano board as I was listening to a lot of nightingale when I wrote it.

Anyway,- cheers Bob! Means a lot coming from you. I'm a big fan of Toxic Grind Machine :p
Thanks man, that's really reassuring. I'm glad everyone is digging the vocals and such, and oddly enough people said before the drums were the weakest part of Dreaming, so that's a suprise.

We'll have a few more ditties for ya in not long. :p
Just listened to this one again.. i somehow had it on my station on soundclick, but was gone.. so i looked it up again...

"dreaming" is very solid! great tune..
Thanks for that Bob. It's reassuring to hear positive comments on that one, since honestly I sometimes think it's too much emotion not enough rock :p
I listened back again recently and at the very least I think the rhythm guitars need to be redone with a better tone and waaay less low mids. The vocals and lead bits get lost on any system with decent low mid and bass response and I think the guitars are mostly to blame. Cymbals bother me in places as well, but maybe these sorts of things are bound to keep popping up until my ears are trained as well as some of the folks around here.

We're working on a new track right now,- this one written by Static. I'm about half done with bass on it now and then there's just a couple leads and vocals to finish up. I think Static is actually doing a way better job with the production then I did on Dreaming so hopefully he'll be down with posting it here when we finish :)

How's your project going? Any new songs in the works?
Good to hear man.. good to hear. new stuff coming up eh? cool...

Im pretty close to wrapping up the work on toxic grind machine.. im mixing another band right now, and there is a lot time going into that, i can barely get myself to listen to some more metal or even make some more metal after mixing the band for a couple of hours, if you know what i mean..

Once im done with that though, i just need to redo a few songs like demise, the remains, and fire at dawn.. they need the latest sound... a new intro needs to be done as well.. and maybe one more song if i can some inspiration for it.. :)

After that, vocals on em.. going to be pretty cool.

and im really considering doing something about those guitars.. they are still POD at this point, but after hearing the CJWall clips, and other clips where it's quite obvious that the POD is cool, but does not quite make the grade when it comes to getting a really solid, fat guitar sound.. so im looking into that right now... don't know if i need to get a real bass on it as well, but will have to try as much as possible before i wrap it up...

So yeah.. taking time to get things right i guess.. haha.. thanks for the interest Death's Acre...

Good luck with the upcoming song!