The pot calling the kettle Black..

Shoulda known that shit's goin down in the Peoples' Democratic Republic of California! 200 protesters? Those towelheads and beardfaces are easily dispersed with less than 9,000 amps of Billy's music!

That organisation the Crappy News Network mentioned is worth a visit: but they're trying to canvas for memebers.

Here's some interesting shit from their site:


Appx. 80% of all mosques in the United States are funded by the
Saudi Arabian government. The Saudi Arabian government supports extremist ideals, and funds many organizations within America.

Constantly in America, plots by Islamic extremists are being thwarted. Most of these plots are planned out by Islamic extremists who are U.S. citizens.

- In recent months there were the Muslim clerics in New York who were arrested for attempting to obtain Land to Air Weapons in a plot to shoot down American planes. These were U.S. citizens who adopted extremist ideals.

- Mosque leader in Orange County, California admits to having trained 'Azzam' the American Al-Qa'eda member, who appeared in a tape recently, threatening America with an attack that will "dwarf" the September 11th attacks. He was a Muslim convert who was trained in Islam in Garden Grove, California.

Many U.S.-based Islamic charities fundraise for the Palestinian militant group Hamas, as well as other terrorist organizations. We encourage our own government, as well as Islamic leaders to crack down on such organizations.

We must act now, before it is too late. Educate yourself and others, Influence society and the government, read up on THE FACTS!


Let's get to smokin some of these fucks right outta their bomb-factories--I mean, mosques.

We are too nice and pc to start raiding these so-called mosques. The Muslims use them for military purposes and we are the bad guys when an enemy fighter hides inside one and we have to go in and get him.

These people do not fear us and our fear of more attacks from them has caused us to not deliver a true ultimate judgement on them in a harsh and decisive fashion just to teach them a lesson to behave.

Our so called friends in Pakistan killed a US diplomat in Karachi today.
sknight said:
These people do not fear us and our fear of more attacks from them has caused us to not deliver a true ultimate judgement on them in a harsh and decisive fashion just to teach them a lesson to behave.

Our so called friends in Pakistan killed a US diplomat in Karachi today.

What a difference a century makes. I mean, there are people alive today who are alive in 1900, when rampaging, protesting, looting, unemployed Chinese went bonkers and killed a German diplomat.

And the Kaiser was pissed! As he put it, "We'll make a demonstration so strong that no China Man will ever look askance at a German again!"

So the foreign armies marched into China, burned a bunch of buildings, presented China with a bill to be paid annually until 2010, and that was the end of it.

Chinks still hated foreigners, but pounding their heads quick and hard taught em a lesson. None of this friendly peace-keeper bullshit.

ConservativeWarrior said:
Its not even about political parties its about common fucking sense and it seams that many people don't have it. Protesting at a funeral is just pathetic. Motherfuckers should be shot for that shit.
prime666 said:
Its not even about political parties its about common fucking sense and it seams that many people don't have it. Protesting at a funeral is just pathetic. Motherfuckers should be shot for that shit.
Preach that shit prime.:kickass: :kickass: