The Project Hate


Mar 7, 2003
Antwerpen - Belgium
Congrats Michael!!!!

THE PROJECT HATE: EVERGREY Bassist Named Official Member - Sep. 12, 2005
THE PROJECT HATE, the Swedish band featuring Jörgen Sandström of ENTOMBED/GRAVE fame on lead vocals, have announced the addition of EVERGREY bassist Michael Håkansson as a full-fledged member of the group. "We have actually hinted at it for quite some time with him and he always answered, 'I'd be honoured,'" the band write on their web site. "It was very easy to come up with this seing how much he enjoyed playing our shit and it's not exactly going to take any time away from EVERGREY, you know, since we won't be playing live or tour or anything like that. We are very happy to have him in the band considering the work he did on the coming album, and we welcome him to the HATE."

The follow-up to 2003's "Hate, Dominate, Congregate, Eliminate", THE PROJECT HATE's new album, "Armageddon March Eternal (Symphonies of Slit Wrists)" is scheduled for release on October 5 via Threeman Recordings. The CD was produced by Dan Swanö and features a guest appearance by Håkansson, who completed his tracks at his studio in Gothenburg before the entire recording was shipped off to Swanö to be mixed and mastered.
Well deserved m8!! :worship: As long as it is promised that EG doesn't suffer from it.
(My love for EG is not only the music, its the way you all harmoniously compliment eachother... musically, physically and personally. I'd hate to see this line up ever change!! ) :headbang: