The proud papa returns!


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
Introducing Ybabnikufesin aka Antonio, born on October 4 at 8:59 am Toronto time, weighing in at 6 lb 3.5 oz, 19.5 inches in length, and mass producer of full diapers!

Check out the pics at

(Sometimes Geocities sites don't link well from Ultimate me, the site is there...just copy and paste it in your browser if the link doesn't work directly)
Yay! Congrats!

Whoever invented the phrase "sleeping like a baby" anyway? That's the last thing I want to do is sleep like a baby...wake up every two hours and crap myself, and then try and pee on the person changing my diaper...uh, sorry, that must be the lack of sleep setting in...
:lol: :lol:
Hey, thanks everyone. And yes, Lady of the Oracle, you called it!

Antonio is a poop machine right now. Pretty much as soon as I finish changing him, I hear another loud "pbbbbblt". :(

And sleep? What is that again? I forget what it feels like to sleep.

But hey, now that Antonio is here and healthy, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Congrats!! What a beautiful baby! I wish you and your family lots of happy times to come!

BTW, what is that green thing? It may cause serious nightmares when he gets a little older! Just kidding! ;)

Congrats man! Proud new papa! :D
I have to admit, I must have a heart of stone - I think the cutest pic is the one where he's dressed in yellow... ahhhhhh! :D
I can't find them that small, but I might see if I can dress him up like Scott Ian for Halloween :grin:

His theme song appears to be by Britney Spears right now in "Poops, I did it again" :lol: Although I could probably get some AC/DC "My Way to Smell" or "You burped me All Night Long" :lol:
Iron Maiden - Smell Is From Here To Eternity

Okay I realise the original title is just Here To Eternity, but that's not as funny... :grin: