The Pursuit of Vikings Cover

Did We Do Good??

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Your vocalist is trying way too hard with the stage presence, though. The rest of the band just isn't hardcore-looking enough for the boots, circle-headbanging, and fist-pumping.

Other than that, yeah, pretty damn good. How old are you guys?
Well, he was drunk lol
But we are an odd band tbh
Wait till our next demo is finished. We got our new vocalist recently and we have writing some very very dark and heavy music, a lot different from what's on our profile. But anyways, we range from 17, 18, to 21. The eldest being our drummer and the youngest being our other guitarist.
oh man totally! I hate it so much...
There's some pretty banging alt rock bands and some groovy southern rock bands here, but that's not what I wanna do. We just had got the members we needed to create some melodeth. You should hear the stuff we have written recently. Fucking hell dude, I can't even begin to explain how much I love it XD
myspace added....look forward to hearing it :)
I can see I need to get these guys I am workin with off thier asses and put somethin up. So far we have one video of a drum solo somewhere lol
Damn dude, that's funny because that's all we used to have up for our old myspace profile lol
Our drummer, now wanted drug dealer and addict, was just jamming out some wicked double bass.

Thanks for the add! The new stuff is great, think Shade Empire, At the Gates, and Dark Tranquility having an orgy:p
Lawl, I have an Unleashed poster on my wall and people always are like, "ZOMG THAT GUY LOOKS LIEK YOU!!"
But yeah, we didn't really give a shit about our image here. The show was in a tiny place where not many people come. We basically just played for the chance to meet some old friends in some other bands...
Your smaller guys need MORE beer, and your bigger guys need less of it.Also, get your vocalist off the raise for the drums. It also wouldn't hurt to slow the tempo a hair. Just some CC, you guys did just fine lol
Cover was great, and I can't criticize much since I can't play an instrument.
My only critique and that seems to plague a lot of (younger) bands, get some kind of uniformity in the stage presence. You have one guy ready for battle and another who seems like he just left the skate park. In the end, it doesn't matter much as long as you guys are having fun, but if you plan on doing bigger things with the band, people will usually dig a band with an image and good stage presence.
I like your cover a lot. You are a very young band but you already kick ass.

Stage performance is not like the original yet but I suppose you'll improve soon ;)
Well guys that band is over with. I just thought you might want to hear what me and two other guys from that group are doing now(the short guitarist and the vocalist)
We are now working in a black metal project called Innocence, however I hesitate to use black metal because so many people are so "HERP DERP I AM KVLT KUZ I AM 3L3T3" We are just creating music that is reflective of our deepest emotions. Incidentally the guy who mixed us has some sort of guitar link to Whitesnake. Idk, it may be something he does for them lol