
spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
The brown note is a low frequency sound which, when played at a loud enough volume, vibrates your bowels so as to make you involuntarily shit your pants. Scientific studies say it's a myth, but that hasn't deterred a rabble of stoner-rock bands from down-tuning their instruments to seek out the brown note. Many of them - including Kyuss, Sleep and Dead Meadow - are featured in the new documentary Such Hawks, Such Hounds: Scenes From The American Rock Underground...

:worship: :worship:
a band called celtic frost has done it - thats a fact, but dont tell blabber....
That shit ain't true. I've heard and felt every single low freq there is at all volumes from 0db (analog) to higher than the threshold of pain. Nausea and dizziness, now that's a different story.
there's a guy that used to hang out with me, had a machine that could make a real low noise that would make you loose control of your bladder, the only time i saw him use it was at a party, he had me and 20 other people all piss our pants at the exact same time, i'm pretty sure this "brown note" thing you guys are talking about is gotta be sorta close to the same frequency
there's a guy that used to hang out with me, had a machine that could make a real low noise that would make you loose control of your bladder, the only time i saw him use it was at a party, he had me and 20 other people all piss our pants at the exact same time, i'm pretty sure this "brown note" thing you guys are talking about is gotta be sorta close to the same frequency

you heard "the yellow note"
The idea of a single frequency doing that is retarded. I'm sure that, if played loud enough, every sound below the frequency of 2 or 3 Hz could do it, but that's pretty much just fast vibrating wind.
The only way I can even think of that being possible is that it would have to be the note which is the resonant frequency of your bowels. If they even have one. I doubt they do since they're malleable. Since they change shape I'm sure that means the would-be resonant frequency is ever changing as a result.
I'm sure your skeleton/bones have a particular resonant frequency though.
I was once at a club doing industrial and one particular song came on (I think it was Wumpscutt or Laeather Strip) which kept hitting the resonant frequency of my zipper. Surprising fun was had with my pants on.