The brown note is a low frequency sound which, when played at a loud enough volume, vibrates your bowels so as to make you involuntarily shit your pants. Scientific studies say it's a myth, but that hasn't deterred a rabble of stoner-rock bands from down-tuning their instruments to seek out the brown note. Many of them - including Kyuss, Sleep and Dead Meadow - are featured in the new documentary Such Hawks, Such Hounds: Scenes From The American Rock Underground...
The brown note is a low frequency sound which, when played at a loud enough volume, vibrates your bowels so as to make you involuntarily shit your pants. Scientific studies say it's a myth, but that hasn't deterred a rabble of stoner-rock bands from down-tuning their instruments to seek out the brown note. Many of them - including Kyuss, Sleep and Dead Meadow - are featured in the new documentary Such Hawks, Such Hounds: Scenes From The American Rock Underground...