The quietest place on earth

Ah that article is 2 years old man :p I believe the "quietest place on earth" is the Anechoic chamber at the University of Salford now (near Manchester) as it has a background noise level of -12.4dBA.
It's not hearing your body, it's the total absence of echo. Maybe our brains use sound input for orientation, like bats but in a lesser degree. I don't know anything about that though, just talking out of my ass. What I do know is that being in a chamber like that is quite disorienting.
That's terrible. Really creepy. You can hear two terrifying noises : a low and heavy one (your heart beating) and a high and light one (I don't know the word in english, but in french we name it "acouphène" : the buzz your ears produce when they get damaged by age). Seriously, that was one of the worst experiences I've ever made.
Yeah, the word "deafening silence" has a meaning inside chambers like that, i remember back at school we had the gunsmiths test/firing range right under our workshop, and whenever i walked into that place it was like i lost hearing, yet i didn't at the same time, it was confusing and i seriously felt like randomly snapping my fingers, just to remind myself that i was able to hear.

And yeah, Nerve, i know exactly what you're talking about, i don't know the exact term for the "Normal kind", though its like light tinitus? Either way i always get freaked out when i hear that sound inside my head, as i tend to start focusing on it to "check" if i've got tinitus, and the more i focus on it, the louder it gets(or rather, the louder i think it is).

Tinitus, thats something i dont fucking want, reminds me that i need to pick up ear plugs and a set of more reusable ear protection for whenever i use my angle grinder.
That'd be weird, but it'd sure be nice to try. At least I'd like to. Have you been in one Leandro?

There's one in my university's department of mechanics... Our good muffin described it much better than me though :p feels like there's something stuck in your ear, until someone speaks or makes a noise. There's a similar feeling when you go to the top of a canyon... except it's less severe .
fuck that, that seems like something you would lock someone in for torture almost. I'm sure being in there for atleast 24 hours would drive someone crazy.
That'd be weird, but it'd sure be nice to try. At least I'd like to.

We have couple of those at work and they are weird places to be. Feeling is weird mixture of discomfort, disorientation and then I start feeling nauseous because of the disorientation. Also my ears almost hurt because of the silence. Audio guys say that you get used to it after a while. But fancy labs are fancy labs and nice to visit sometimes :p