The Ra Odyssey Demo Review


The Ra Odyssey!
Mar 4, 2014
Baltimore, MD
Hey guys so recently my band just began Self-producing our debut EP. Locally we have gotten mixed reviews from our peers. I have talked to many local bands but I get non-sense "put downs" more then the feedback I need to hear (Local bands where I am from all think they're the shiz and have ego's and hate easily on any other band/musician). Please listen to our track and let us know all of your thoughts on how we can get better with production, and even our music in general? Thanks a ton!

Link ----> :oops:

P.s.: Do not be a douche or hater in a way such as "You guys fucking suck, sorry but you have to hear it from someone it's the only way you will get better!" NO THAT DOESN'T HELP! Please simply tell us what you would like to hear in us that could possibly get you interested in us maybe? Also do not say our genre of music sucks if you do not like Progressive/Deathcore move on please! Keep it educated, insightful and friendly please! If you have a band maybe post some links to your music for us to hear and share? THANKS!!! :headbang:

P.s.P.s: Yes it is a demo we are reproducing it for a better album version! :D
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