The Rapture Sabbath -- Today!!!!

cinflames said:
I'm looking forward to the Rapture Sabbath tonight!!! 4 pm, my time (pst)--kinda early, but that's ok. 7 pm for those on EST. Gosh, I think for European listeners it's at 1 am Monday morning!!!!o_O For the rest of the world, here's a map showing the different time zones.

haha yea man ive gotta listen in at 2 am but hell itl be a good show! hopefully some awesome bands tonight!! by the way im new, how do i vote???
Thomsonrf said:
thanks very much man! lol man im tryin to stay awake, great band playing now PENETRATOR!

is there anywhere else i should post bro? sorry im new to this shit haha, did u happen to catch my band? we were called chaos incinerated on here lol but were actually called chaos incarcerated, we were the first band on. are u in a band on this show dude? if so send me your link! :)
Thanks Wes!!

