The REAL Michael Kenney Interview

Air Raid Siren

Maidens' Vox
Apr 26, 2004
My City Of Angels
OK Boyz and girlz, let's give it another try - had a few technical snafus getting this up!

You can view a interesting "Road Crew Live" interview with our good friend Michael Kenney right here . The techs and crew are so important to a successful band and are so seldom recognized.

We're so happy for Michael to get some recognition and press - he's such a great guy! And as their keyboardist, as well Steve's bass tech, he's got quite a responsibility on his hands!

Thanks, Michael - wherever you are (!) - for mentioning us!! :headbang:
I talked with Michael at NAMM this year and he was a really cool guy. We chatted a bit about Steve's amp setup and then I grilled him about the yet-unannounced ozzfest rumor.

Anyway, that was a cool article and an interesting site. Being a part-time luthier, I'm envious of his position!

Cheers Michael, see you at Ozzfest LA, Phoenix and the Maiden headline gig in Denver!
Michael Kenney rules! Can't wait to get him for another gig! We got some great shit in mind to try to pull off with him!!! Hee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! But, as we all know, it will be a loooong while before that happens next. Until then! God bless the man. He's a great guy!
Yea, Mr. K deserves the props, doesn't he? I can't wait til our next show with him, too.

Here's an interesting bit he didn't mention in the article...(and I hope you don't mind my saying so, Michael, but I think it's such a great story!:D ) ...anywayz, we were talking one night after rehearsal about different types of music we've played through the years and he mentioned that not long before he started working with Iron Maiden he had a stint in Wild Cherry as the "Funky White Boy" ! For real! :cool:
I love that synthesizer he plays in the Nomad, and other songs too, it’s like a violin in the back ground, gives it some flow, backbone sort of stretched across the rhythm, and feelings too; I dig the complements of an organ synthesizer.