The REAL Two Evils

Ok, I've watched the debates, I've heard and seen the press reports, and the different sound clips. I WOLDN'T VOTE FOR EITHER OF THESE 2 A#@HOLES NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!! I'm voting for myself as a write in candidate. I know I'm not going to win, but it's better than voting for these TWO FACED LYING SONS OF B&@#HS!!!!!!
The worst thing you can do on tuesday is stay at home and do nothing. Get out there and vote. Anyone in a democratic society owes it to the people who have died to give us that ability.
Ragamuffin said:
Bullshit. Electoral college votes have already been decided in over 40 states.
In an election this close, it is very important to get and vote. I don't care what George Carlin says (although i am a fan, and have seen him live a few times) if you don't vote, you have no bitch. 1 or 2 votes can swing a precinct, which can swing an electorate. I'm calling bullshit on you my friend.
Then you're an idiot. Why do you think they already have the maps made up with the red states an dblue states? Think they're guesses? Why don't you print one out and hang it next to your tv and check it tuesday night, bet you the ones that have been decided for months come out the same way they always have. Even politicians know that unless you live in a 'swing state' your vote doesn't matter, that's why they don't bother campaigning in the other states the week before the election or running commercials 100 times a day for months.

But hey, if it makes you feel better, you're an awesome patriot for wasting your time on a broken system!
Ragamuffin said:
Then you're an idiot. Why do you think they already have the maps made up with the red states an dblue states? Think they're guesses? Why don't you print one out and hang it next to your tv and check it tuesday night, bet you the ones that have been decided for months come out the same way they always have. Even politicians know that unless you live in a 'swing state' your vote doesn't matter, that's why they don't bother campaigning in the other states the week before the election or running commercials 100 times a day for months.

But hey, if it makes you feel better, you're an awesome patriot for wasting your time on a broken system!
The sad part is that by looking at the projected map proves most of the county (state wise) doesn't want kerry to win and it will come down to a few states to deside. I don't agree that the system is broken, but the way it is now, it is open to major fraud. Here is what I think about the voting process. Each town needs to have designated voting places in a neutral environment that can't be changed unless agreed by both parties. Also the hours the polling places are open should be consistant every year. If the hours are 7A.M.- 8 P.M. and you get there at 8:05 sorry about your luck. If you don't think you can make it file absentee. There is no excuse for not making it to vote on time. Schools and Churches are probibly the best places. I also think that you should have to show proof of registration to vote. You should also know where you are to go vote. If you don't know, file absentee. Provisional ballots open the door to fraud and excuses the ignorent. You should also know how the voting system you are voting on works so you don't make a mistake. If you still use punchcards like my small town, make sure there are no hanging chads. Is it really that dificult to make sure. I also can't see how someone can try to determan voter intent. If someone doesn't vote for a particular candidate or issue then they fucked up or didn't want to vote either way on the issue. Trying to guess voter intent is utter bullshit. Ok, I'm done rambling on now. I will gladly waste my time and vote on Tuesday because I can. What good is freedom if you don't use it?
lespaulbass666 said:
Ok, I've watched the debates, I've heard and seen the press reports, and the different sound clips. I WOLDN'T VOTE FOR EITHER OF THESE 2 A#@HOLES NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!! I'm voting for myself as a write in candidate. I know I'm not going to win, but it's better than voting for these TWO FACED LYING SONS OF B&@#HS!!!!!!

Grab a voters guide. Go thru the issues (w/out looking @ dubya's stance, or the next presidents stance) and check where you stand on each issue. Then match it up w/ the two guys running. Whoever stands with you on the most issues, is who you should vote for. Simple. This is way too important of an election to not vote. This election could shape our future the way Kennedy v. Nixon did.
But you should still get out and vote. There are propositions, and inititives on the ballot concerning local issues are there not?

I agree with you about states already being deceided. Your vote for the Prez is pretty much useless UNLESS you happen to live in a swing state.

Ragamuffin said:
Then you're an idiot. Why do you think they already have the maps made up with the red states an dblue states? Think they're guesses? Why don't you print one out and hang it next to your tv and check it tuesday night, bet you the ones that have been decided for months come out the same way they always have. Even politicians know that unless you live in a 'swing state' your vote doesn't matter, that's why they don't bother campaigning in the other states the week before the election or running commercials 100 times a day for months.

But hey, if it makes you feel better, you're an awesome patriot for wasting your time on a broken system!
Oh I totally think you should vote for other things. But don't waste your time thinking too hard about the Presidency.
TD said:
Grab a voters guide. Go thru the issues (w/out looking @ dubya's stance, or the next presidents stance) and check where you stand on each issue. Then match it up w/ the two guys running. Whoever stands with you on the most issues, is who you should vote for. Simple. This is way too important of an election to not vote. This election could shape our future the way Kennedy v. Nixon did.
Well said.