The Remnant


Apr 17, 2005
You do not know and will never know who the Remnant are, or where they are, or how many of them there are, or what they are doing or will do. Two things you know, and no more: first, that they exist; second, that they will find you. ~ Albert Jay Nock

Our modern world is grounded in the illusion that social order can only be maintained through institutionally-structured, vertically-imposed regulatory systems. But the pyramidal hierarchies to which we have been trained to look for such management are in a state of decline. The vertical is collapsing into the horizontal, and the political establishment is fighting for its very existence by intensifying the use of the methodology that defines its nature: the use of violence.

If the public is to be kept obedient, it must be kept in a constant state of fear. Frightened people huddle together and look to those they regard as more capable than themselves for protection. This explains why, in the words of Randolph Bourne, “war is the health of the state.”

Nock’s desire to protect the Remnant had nothing to do with extricating mass-minded people (H.L. Mencken’s “booboisie”) from the adverse consequences of their unfocused living. He knew that the political parties would continue to keep the morons in a state of dependency – such is the nature of their symbiotic relationship. Nock was concerned, however, with protecting that minority of persons – the Remnant – whose efforts provide the creative culture and material prosperity of great civilizations.

Within the Remnant are to be found the entrepreneurs, artists, and others who insist upon staying outside the marauding herd that moves only in response to external stimuli; the independent and principled souls who, in any setting, distinguish fact from fashion; the kinds of self-directed, internally-centered, and loving persons Viktor Frankl noted as having a comparative advantage for survival in concentration camps.

I think his basic theory is right, in that people who don't accept modernity (utilitarianism) are a few and unintentionally elite group that falls out and then reconstructs... and that the masses are never going to fucking wake up. How to contact this Remnant, then, cowboy?
Could the Remnant be like an immune response to a disease. Perhaps like the white blood cells.

Or, more likely, perhaps the Remnant are like people who have a different survival strategy and are evolving in another direction to the herd. The herd is doomed. The Remnant stand a chance of escaping that fate.
Many people tell me that there has been a major turn-around in thinking in this country. I am sorry, but I don’t see it. I think most Americans have grown weary of the war, but not of the kind of thinking that produced it. Too many see the Iraq war not as a moral wrong, but as a waste of money that could be better spent on health care, global warming, or government schools. Such thinking assesses the war in a cost-benefit manner, with diminishing returns from the slaughter of innocents dictating a different allocation of state resources. Should another “terrorist attack” occur in America, however, the herd will once again become mobilized into the frenzy from which it now seeks momentary rest.

I think this part of the article sums things up very well,I'm sure that here in England too, although everybody is fed up with the Iraq war and things are calming down (apparently) if London was bombed tomorrow again, it would all be back in full chaotic swing. I think people dont see beyond the obvious, they cant see that maybe someone way up there is pulling strings.