The Residence INN


Jul 26, 2003
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Is anybody staying at the Residence inn?,I would like to know if I have to take the bus to Earthlink or if I can just walk,it is supossed to be close to the venue anybody know anything?
I stayed there last year. Loved it. Staying there again this year. Midtown Res. Inn is the second most convenient to the venue, after the Granada.

And forget having parties here. All the good parties will be at the Granada and Fairfield.

And I want someplace quiet to go when I need it, so don't screw that up...............hehe

As long as we're talking the Res. Inn Midtown, that is. There's another that's about a mile away also........not nearly as convenient.

Kez, getting fired up
Cool - me and my two buddies will be at the Residence Inn too - gotta love that two block walk to the venue!

I made it to PP back in 2001 but stayed with a buddy who lived in the area and we drove in - so I'm looking forward to staying right on location this year, that's for sure. We're drivin' out of here (South Florida) at 3:00 am and look to make the hotel by 1:00 or 2:00 - drop our gear, and then head over to Earthlink.

Not sure if my two partners will be in 'party mode' or not, but if folks are just lookin' to hang out and chill at the Residence, kinda lowkey with a few beers, lemme know. It'd be cool to hook up with some fellow PP folk. :D ('Specially you Symph X fans!)