The Seinfeld Thread

When I was younger I'd rewatch Seinfeld all the time. I had season 1-5 on DVD and would would watch them every year. This forum killed Seinfeld for me though. It's become too much.

I think this forum has mastered the sparse use of Big Lebowski lines though. It has JUST enough. Not too much, not too little. The Gevalia blend of The Dude.
Yeah well that's just like your opinion man

As difficult as it is to restrain ourselves from making Seinfeld references/posting memes in response to all sorts of posts everywhere else in this forum (after all, Seinfeld doesn't imitate imitates Seinfeld), I thought that making its own thread would offer a venue to discharge at least some of those urges.

I've moved some of the posts from the M&F thread to help get things going.