the short story that has made over 50 audience-members pass out at readings

I'm a pretty sick fuck, let's see what happens.

My dick is starting to hurt.

Uh oh...

"That dog was fucking nuts."

Best part. That was SO. FUCKING. AWESOME.

Second half of my dinner is done now, yay!
He pisses me off because one of my girlfriend's friends is OBSESSED with his writing style and emulates it in everything she writes, then makes me read them and expects me to think they're the best thing since sliced bread.

I'm gonna read this, though :) Fight Club (the book) was ok.
I remember that midget dude on Howard Stern a few times, his ass kept falling out and he'd make jokes about it. Hahahaha :ill:
Read it all. It's funny in a sick way, but I can't believe anyone fainted during this.

It's kinda urban-legendy, perverted stuff. Things the people from would talk about. Maybe I should post it there. Nah, can't be bothered...

The kicker is at the end when he says the sister got pregnant. That part made me giggle.