'tHe SiN tRaDe' , Metal bootlegs & rare stuff trading
Hi metal fans!!! After some weeks of tests, my METAL TRADING SITE is online!!!! There isnt too much stuff at the momment, but I will. BTW I have the HUGEST COB stuff list to trade. I hope all of ya enjoy it. Dont forget to visit at tHe SiN tRaDe (http://www.geocities.com/the_sin_trade)
Hi metal fans!!! After some weeks of tests, my METAL TRADING SITE is online!!!! There isnt too much stuff at the momment, but I will. BTW I have the HUGEST COB stuff list to trade. I hope all of ya enjoy it. Dont forget to visit at tHe SiN tRaDe (http://www.geocities.com/the_sin_trade)