the sinus infection thread!

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
so after more than a week of mucus leaking out of my face and a hacking cough that i think scraped away my throat tissue, i woke up with those symptoms subsiding. HALLELUJAH!! then i get to work and i feel a pressure start to build in my head.
it keeps building and building and building. at one point, it's so painful that i almost pass out several times. i went to the grocery store and bought some Tylenol for severe cold symptoms, including congestion and pain relief. it did little more than confine the pain in my head to my temples instead of my whole skull. and i got kinda drowsy.
so i get home and as i'm sitting in bed reading, i feel this pressure in my left ear build and build and build. it feels like i'm on a plane and i need my ear to pop, except that when it does, it will bring unrelenting pain with it. joy.

a doctor visit will probobly be in order tomorrow. except, i'm going to be going to a doctor who gave my little sister gonohrreah medicine for bronchitis. this is gonna be fun.
i guess he's just really stupid.
she had a really bad cough, so he gave her a perscription and when she got it, she said she wasn't taking it. one of its uses was the treatment of gonorrhea and some of the side effects were psychotic outbursts and mental retardation. i'm not even joking.
Well, I'm not suggesting anything, but if I were in your position, I'd get those records from him, turn around and never look back. There's absolutely no way in hell you could get me to do a doctor with a reputation like that. NO. FUCKING. WAY.
eh, it's a sinus infection. since i know more than the doctor, i think i'm safe. i guess i just need to go to him and find out if it's viral or bacterial. all signs point to viral, though, and hopefully it'll clear up in the next few days or at least before will's birthday. i think i'd only be going to this guy to get a prescription for medicine or something
OK, so here's the thing, pick any doctor that you like (or have at least heard isn't stupid), tell them where your medical records are, and then that doctor will request a copy from the stupid doctor, and then you won't have to take your herpes medication until your eardrum explodes. It's really that simple. No, really!
according to people i work with, cases of allergies, sinus infections and the like are up 50% this year. something about how the bees are dying out. no one needs those dumb things, anyway. stupid ecosystem.

get well soon, dev!!
get well soon, dev!!

Thanks :)

I'm sure there's plenty of us out there going through the horror that is the sinus infection. I have to try to plan like an extra half hour of getting up in the morning. If I don't I might try to slaughter someone or myself on the way to work or whatever I may be doing, hehe.