The Sketch Show

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
This is damn funny! 2nd week I've watched it now and I couldn't stop laughing! Best sketch comedy show I've seen for ages!

British comedy is so damn good :headbang:
Yeah, I watched last weeks today actually, and my girlfriend taped tonights episode for me as well.
Last weeks was pretty funny. I like the really short ones like the:

Can we have a room for 2 knights!

haha, that was funny!
Hahahah yeah that rocked!

The great ones this week I thought were the ones with the lonely guy in the bar, the one with the woman trapped in the man's body etc...., and the last one with the phobias haha!
Last week when my mates and I were pissed, we got the video camera out and did some skits. Some of em were pretty funny, but when we watched it back, we realised that we are way more funnier when we are drunk! As we were filming the skits, we thought they were fuckin hilarious, but watching them sober is another story! haha.

I'll give you an example of one of the ones we did:

We were at a mates place, and I was standing behind the bar cleaning plates and glasses and stuff. My mate walked up and said 'Just a Bourbon and Coke thanks', and I said........
'Bourbon and Coke???? It's a fuckin hamburger shop you dickhead!!'

haha....... well, we found it funny at the time!!!
This is another:

I was on the dancefloor, dancing, and my mate walked over and tried to dance with me. He had his pants around his ankles, and I said:

'No Pants, No Dance'

And brushed him. He walked off!! haha

And that is why I'm a dickhead :)
Oh another one we did. haha, you shouldnt have started me:

My mate was standing there, and I walked past limping. Mate says:

'What the hell happened to you??'
I said:
'Mate, Vietnam War injury, shot in the leg mate!'

I walk off.

Another mate walks past and he too is limping.

'Mate, what happened to you??'

'Korean War injury.... grenade exploded!'

A 3rd mate walked past..... he too is limping...

'Mate, what happened to you!!!??!?!'

'Mate....... Dogshit, just stood in dogshit!'

Hahah, did any of you lads/lasses watch Black Books? It is THE funniest show I have seen since Red Dwarf. Should come back on soon I guess.
British comedy! :headbang:

Any of you guys ever watched The Fast Show? It used to be on SBS and still gets repeated every so often. Some (including me) would consider it the logical successor to Monty Python.

When watching it, keep an ear out for the following phrases:

"Anyone fancy a pint?"
"I'll get me coat."
"I was very, very drunk."
"This week, I are been mostly eating..."

Boutros Boutros Ghali :lol: