THE SKULL: follow-on on the Trouble saga...


Jul 16, 2002
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Come on guys...All that is missed from The Skull band to be the original Trouble (or very close) are both guitarists Wartell and Franklin. Get your acts together and play Trouble songs...

If they don't, well maybe that will give us 2 good bands, but I hope THE SKULL won't play depressive doom stuff like most of the Trouble-The Skull disc, which is my least fave from the band...
Could be interesting...and might possibly pave the way for a full-blown reunion. Why do bands always break up after phenomenal releases? SMC still gets regular spins in my player...

General question: Did Eric's Blackfinger project ever yield anything?

Rock on!
This news makes me happy in the pants!

Trouble with Kory on vox was painful to watch live.
Can't say I am terribly excited about his replacement, though I will of course give it a shot.
I have seen the YouTube clips from the first EXPO OF THE EXTREME, but wasn't terribly impressed.

Now Eric Wagner, Oly, and Holzner?????? HELLS YES!

They already said they will be playing TROUBLE stuff as well as new stuff.

I saw Blackfinger once opening for Diamond Head.
It was great to see Wagner on stage again, but it was mediocre at best.
The songs were decent and show more of his Beatles influence than Sabbath.
Though the performance seemed like he was just going through the motions.

It's funny.
People make comments like, "Come on man. Do it right. Get together"
I dunno, in the past few years when Wagner was back, I had seen them play to crowds of less than 50 people.

I just question how many people who make such comments were supporting them anyhow.
It's funny.
People make comments like, "Come on man. Do it right. Get together"
I dunno, in the past few years when Wagner was back, I had seen them play to crowds of less than 50 people.

I just question how many people who make such comments were supporting them anyhow.

You can be sure that if Trouble were touring near my place, I'd be there for sure. I'd drive 2 or 3 hours to see them live for the first time.
Hmm. The stuff they played at DOTD sounded like Trouble, with an occasional mellow part. So when you saw them they did more mellow stuff?

Yeah, it was all mellow. In fact, it was so mellow that everyone was sitting down at a table during their set. A couple of us went up front toward the end, but that was it.
You can be sure that if Trouble were touring near my place, I'd be there for sure. I'd drive 2 or 3 hours to see them live for the first time.

That's cool.
I must say though that they were pretty unappreciated when they became more active with Eric again a few years back, at least around Chicago.

There were a couple shows that I guess were semi-packed.

Though based on how many people were complaining when Kory joined, my first thought was always like, "Well, you didn't come see them with Eric anyhow, so why do you care"???