The sky darkens and turns bood red....

....the wind picks up, the clouds swirl, the trees sway.

*BANG FLASH* as a single fork of lightning strikes a lone tower upon a mountain.

Where the tower once stood, now stands a lone dark figure. His eyes glow red as he removes his cloak, to reveal a magnificiant suit of armour that is shines as bright as the golden sun and at the same time is as dark as a moonless cloudy night.

A crowd has gathered and are now watching the mysterious armoured figure, wondering who he is, and what he will do next.

Then suddenly, two huge white flaming feathered wings open up from the figures back, and he launches himself into the air and swoops down from the mountain to the crowd.

The figure lands in front of the crowd. Points to a drunk, and says "Give me thy beer mortal" Taking the beer he downs it and remains sillient for a bit. Then again he takes off, but hovers about 20 feet above the crowd and annoucing in a loud booming voice that shakes the surrounding area: