The Social Network

Haven't seen it and probably won't.

Nevertheless, the buzz I've read from sources I usually trust has been very positive.
Well, I"m a David Fincher fan so I was going to see it regardless of the subject matter. That being said it is a crazy and very interesting story and worth more than the scorn you guys are giving it.
yeah to be fair most people won't give it a chance (me included) but the movie itself could be good. i just hate the idea and thought it looked horribly stupid while i saw a preview for it.
Whether you like it or not, social networking plays an integral role in society today. It's not a movie about a bunch of tween girls taking above-the-head camera pictures of themselves and posting it on Facebook. It's a true story about how the dude stole his friends' idea and made a fortune out of it. Facebook is this generation's Microsoft. He is this generation's Bill Gates. I know it's cool to not like FB and all but saying the movie's gonna suck because you don't like Facebook is like saying Star Wars sucks because you think the fans of Star Wars are geeks.
It has inherent drama but the analogies weaken your argument. It is what it is and it's probably a good movie, I just don't want to see it.
Don't care to see it. I do like Facebook and use it every day. I just don't care to see a movie about it's conception and the backstabbing that went on along the way. That stuff happens everyday in all kinds of businesses, and just because Facebook is HUGE now doesn't make the premise any more interesting to me. *shrug*
Don't care to see it. I do like Facebook and use it every day. I just don't care to see a movie about it's conception and the backstabbing that went on along the way. That stuff happens everyday in all kinds of businesses, and just because Facebook is HUGE now doesn't make the premise any more interesting to me. *shrug*


Except i dont use Facebook anymore. i might give the soundtrack a chance though.