The soporific effects of Iron Maiden


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
On Thursday last week, Jazynthe was cracking a shit, so I popped her in front of the tube, put The Early Years on, and within two songs, she was asleep. When the first part finished, she woke up crying, so I had to put on the next part to keep her quiet again. :)

She has had her moments of sending me insane. One week she hardly stoped crying the entire time Brian was out of the house or asleep. I was driven to tears.
But she can most of the time be an angel.
I guess you could say if she ain't being an angel she is the spawn of satan.
We've used Iron Maiden extensively in Rhiannon's sleep management.

We left her with a babysitter who asked "what do I do to quiet her if she wakes up ?"

"Rock in Rio usually works".

She was very suprised when we got worked twice.
My nephew gets more fun everytime I see him (which is a couple of times a week now). He is 11 months old at the moment, and started walking about a week and a half ago. It is hilarious, he looks like a zombie, stumbling around everywhere. I want to paint him up and take him to a costume party.
Oh yes, Jazynthe, I know exactly how you feel honey. I cried last time I left Brian too. He's just too sweet. :)

This is why babies are born so cute, because it makes it impossible to hurt them even when they push you to the point of one foot in the loony bin.