The Story of Anvil - The Movie

Saw the movie in April with Anvil playing after the movie. I thought the movie was great also, I cried at the Japan part, but Courtney will tell u I cry at most movies! Hahahahahaha They had a meet and greet after and let me tell you , they are so down to earth guys, and they were honestly blow away by all the attention. They stayed for an hour and a half and signed things and took pictures with everyone there!!!! I was impressed.
They're good friends of mine(been a fan since '84!) and I'm so happy the movie has made them stars. They were just here 2 weeks ago. here's an interview I did with Lips in 1999 when they played to about 20 people!

And Then again in 2008 when I first saw the film at the Jewish film festival

Then if you got time, a whole half hour special on them when they began doing the band/movie tour in 2009!
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I've been following this movie on a music industry board and the feeling there is overwhelmingly negative. They can't believe how stupid Anvil are from start to finish. The poorly-managed tour, the mishandling of the record, Lips going around LA dropping off CD-Rs with receptionists (come on), failure to use the Internet or find alternate outlets, the sheer naivete Lips shows in thinking they can get major label interest... it all adds up. I mean, really, after the scene at the EMI office, when that exec jumped up after 10 seconds to shut it off, Lips should have gotten a clue.

I'm glad they are enjoying a little revival and I hope they salt it away because it's going to fade away quick.
I've been following this movie on a music industry board and the feeling there is overwhelmingly negative. They can't believe how stupid Anvil are from start to finish. The poorly-managed tour, the mishandling of the record, Lips going around LA dropping off CD-Rs with receptionists (come on), failure to use the Internet or find alternate outlets, the sheer naivete Lips shows in thinking they can get major label interest... it all adds up. I mean, really, after the scene at the EMI office, when that exec jumped up after 10 seconds to shut it off, Lips should have gotten a clue.

I'm glad they are enjoying a little revival and I hope they salt it away because it's going to fade away quick.

True. Most fans/musicians have no idea just how lousy most record contracts are. But most musicians "want to be rock stars!" so the record company gives ti to them - at a price. Price being you get screwed financially and 10 years later, you're working day jobs. If you're lucky, you can be an iron maiden and play in arenas 30 years later. However, Very VERY few bands reach that level.

It's even WORSE in today's climate. No wonder Gene Simmons tells bands "good luck" in his last interview lol.

the sad truth:
