The subtleties of Damnation.


Manically depressed robot
May 5, 2002
Wellington, NZ
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I read some negative comments about the fact that Damnation isn't as 'proggy' as it should have been. However, as I've listened contentedly for the past three days I've really picked up on soooo many more interesting aspects of this album. Y'know how you just slowly pick up on little touches and effects, little backgroundy things that soon standout. I think this album has a large number of interesting little sounds going on all over the place...

For example, on Windowpane, at 1:46 or so after the short little solo, theres a really soft and subtle lone guitar note that hangs in the background for a while...its adds a nice little touch to the start of the verse.

Also on Windowpane, after the section that starts at 3:48 has been going for a while, little touches are added, like the sort of ringy organ-ish sound at 4:12.

On Windowpane again, one that really stands out, is the soft, synthy choir that adds depth to a previously repeated section at 5:58.

On Death Whispered A Lullaby theres that awesome echoey, spacey guitar section at around 3:00...which like that part in Windowpane, fades softly into the next verse, in the background.

Also, when the spacey guitar section comes along again at 4:47, this time its accompanied by this weird echoey pulsating noise that takes this previous section and adds a new, strange element to it.

Closure many subtleties...Mikael's voice at the start is doubled over in a few places, then at 0:44 it sounds like its had a very very subtle effect put on it, I can't place my finger on it.

At 1:06 when the new section explodes onto the speakers, if you listen really carefully you can hear a ringy sort of effect softly hidden in the background that fluctuates up and down...that grows in sound. Almost sounds like some form of twisted string section...reminds me of Radioheads song 'The National Anthem'.

Well I think I've gone on enough. I've just enjoyed how I've picked up on all these little touches as I've listened, its a really pleasureable experience. I think Damnation is more prog than people give it credit for...plently of prog touches all over the place.

I feel that this is one of the most subtle albums I've ever heard.
Nothing wrong with a bit o' minimalism.

The word 'minimalism' really does spring to mind when I listen to it, and thats not fault at all. I feel the songs are majestic and breathtaking in how they can take such a small number of elements sound so damned amazing. The small details are what makes this album absolutely killer.
Yeah that's true... but 'minimalism' is a word that comes to mind when refferencing individual Opeth song segments, mainly the acoustic ones which are relatively simple but have those normal dynamic touches they have to make them more entertaining and let you listen to them again without getting bored.

The approach to Damnation was definately the standard Opeth 'minimalist' approach to most of their acoustic material (ie Benighted), except they figured that if they were going to give us 45 minutes of it, they may aswell add something to compensate for those dynamics.

Which is fine of course.. I mean hearing some form of progressive flamenco or classical fingerpicked music with no riffs or structure come in the form of Damnation would not sound like Opeth at all.. I like how they got their normal acoustic sound and managed to make such a spacey album out of it.
Hehe, ok, so if minimalism comes to mind with standard Opethian acoustic sections than I don't think it is quite the proper word to describe Damnation. I think that Damnation is SIMILAR to standard Opeth acoustic sections, except with added touches and flairs that have made it all the more enticing. I think its the subtle mellotron and synth effects that make it sound more interesting then any of the other acoustic things Opeth have done. Its less minimalistic than standard Opeth acoustic sections, but still subdued enough to be 'minimalism'.

Therefore, we need a new term for it. So I'll just say its 'proggy minimalism'. (note I do not say 'prog minimalism, as Damnation is NOT a prog album, its Opeth acoustics with 'proggy' elements).
The fact that it's not completely objective just for the sake of being that way and judging your life's worth based on your classification on a certain sound which Opeth managed to attain on the new album?