@ The Swedes and Germans

Caelum Adustum

Call me Ishmael
Jul 12, 2003
Looks like I'lll be backpacking across the pond (assuming I don't keel over) in late February through May (at least). Flying into Germany and will eventually make to Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. Just curious as to what the weather is like that time of year, how much mead costs, how much snus costs, if finding rolling tobacco/papers will be difficult, etc. and so on.
If the weather is gonna be like last year (more like earlier this year...) at that time, it will be the coldest winter in a long time. We also had tons of snow last year.

Mead? I have no idea if it's sold at systembolaget.

Snus? They are raisning the prices, so expect it to cost $3-$4 per tin.

Rolling tobacco and papers should be available at a tobacconist.
Pretty bad timeframe IMO, you'll miss the grimmest winter and leave when spring turns to summer so you'll have: cold getting warmer and snow becoming mud. Drunk is expensive, Norway is even worse than Sweden, Finland is a bit better. Snus will get expensive when the new year starts, I've heard different stuff but I think about five zionican tokens for a tin won't be much of an exagerration. Outrageous! rolling tobacco and papers are commonly available, but smoking will make people think you are female or gay, so if you want to save your bottom, stick with snus. Fuck cities, go for woods and mountains.
Nice to hear that you're going to visit Scandinavia, but a poor choice of season; at least the swedish winter/spring period can be pretty depressing ;)

If you're planning to do a lot of hostel visits, check out STF (and switch language), I belive they have some sort of discount for hostels. If not, then I guess there's some general info there.
yes, there are hostels in scandinavia but we recommend brothels


Don't smoke cigarettes unless I want people to think I'm gay...any other culture tips? heh

@spaffe: How depressing are we talkin' here? I love cold, gloomy, dark days. Thanks for the link, too.
Well it depens on where you're staying obviously. You'll have to remember that Sweden is quite a large country where when the spring is in full swing in the southern parts, the north still has snow. But if you're around the capital, spring usually comes in late march/april, but can also be a lot later (like last year for example). The weather before the real change for spring usually consists of rain/sleet, gray skies and snowfall which metlts in a few days and then returns only to melt and wet your feet once again. I personally don't think it's that horrible, but a lot of people seem to really dislike it; February is the swedish month of depression par excellence :tickled:
Don't smoke cigarettes unless I want people to think I'm gay...any other culture tips? heh
Always greet people with "Va gör du i helgen bonnjävel?" and if they don't reply "Kör dynga", punch them in the face. That way people will know you're a good chap, and if they don't understand that they're fags, so stay away
Always greet people with "Va gör du i helgen bonnjävel?" and if they don't reply "Kör dynga", punch them in the face. That way people will know you're a good chap, and if they don't understand that they're fags, so stay away

translation pleazkthxbye