THE T.V LIES!!!(Or ZANEX is getting DRUNK and is going to BITCH...)


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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First off, my apologies to anyone offended tonight. I've been partaking of substances beyond my control and drinking (6 COORS LIGHT, 1 BUD ICE, 1 CORONA, and starting on a bottle of ARBOR MIST WINE).

THE T.V. LIES: I'm sick of the media cramming shit down our throats in the U.S.A. about: Kobe Bryant's affair/sexual assault, the Jessica Lynch rescue, The SARS VIRUS, the recount of votes in CALIFORNIA, the war in IRAQ, The New York politician getting shot in CITY HALL, etc... I don't mean to bitch, but CNN, C-SPAN, MSNBC, and the ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX NEWS keep rehashing and sensationalizing the same shit. My 2 cents: *LEAVE KOBE BRYANT ALONE, President's have done worse. *Jessica Lynch, doesn't sound like she was a real P.O.W. being "pampered" in the hospital (I've read where it was a government cover-up, but maybe wrong). *The SARS VIRUS, that that doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.* (you get the picture).

IN MY OPINION: "How's comes it is", (Kentucky slang for those who aren't familiar) That in my opinion the best shows on T.V. are cartoons "SOUTH PARK" AND "THE FAMILY GUY". My girlfriend said to me "What's a grown man doing watching cartoons?" I told her that,"These "cartoons" tackle political and social issues occuring in present day and expose different angles or ways of thinking about current issues".

Either it went over her head or she was tired because she went to bed, (but she wasn't too tired too "get on top" and "do it doggie style) O.K. too much info. Well, I'll shut up for now. Goodnight. FUCK, I CAN'T SEE STRAIGHT.
Atleast you got laid!!! :loco:

If it's cartoons that tell the truth now, then atleast kids grow up
with the right information.
And what's wrong with adults watching cartoons anyway?

COWBOY BEBOP KICKS ASS (except it's anime!!! :grin: )!!!!!!! And South Park and Family Guy are not "kid" cartoons in the first place. I love South Park, there is just so much political, religious, and social comedy in it.
People call south park childish and stupid when it's just fucking genius.

south park / family guy >>>>>>>>>> simpsons ^9999999999999999999999999999999
futurama was decent...not better though

santa claws was the best, hahaha

man...I fucking LOVE john goodman.....A class actor
How about that little Innocent until proven guilty thing?
I hate rapists but I really hate the way the accuser can be revealld but not the victim.

Either everything should be public or nothing should.
If he's found innocent and he really didnt do it mud still sticks..... There will always be a doubt.
I did say ACCUSED of rape.

And the victim should be protected.

The only reason this is in the news is because of his baseball fame.

Why do people assume that if you are a public sports figure you cannot possibly be guilty of anything?
He is still human afterall.
I'm not saying that he's not guilty, im saying its not proved yet.
Everything at the moment is Alleged including Victim yes?

All names should be kept out of the public domain regardless if he is a sports star or a shit shoveller.

It will never give a fair trial by allowing this infomation into the public arena beforehand.

Either Eveyones name is out there or no-ones is. That is the only fair method.
Mistress Massie, I'm not playing down the fact he was accused of rape. I have no respect for rapists. Like it says in "INSIDE 4 WALLS"-drug offenders do more time than rapists, murderers, and child molesters. Is this justice? FUCK NO.

Hey Junkenstein, Futurama is great. Thanks for all the replies.

Ever look at a word and be convinced that there is something wrong with it but you just cant work out what?

Mistress where do you stand on naming Alleged rapists? Just curious as you usualy have good reasons beind your ideas :)

And the only good thing in family guy was the baby. he ruled. Reminded me of me......:)