the tao of steve

not to hijack this thread or anything but I went to this bar the other night where you could order a bowl of Cheese Puffs for $5. They were right there on the menu...Cheese Puffs.

They also had a duck sandwich. What a fucking shit bar.
yea, so back to steve. hard to get = hot. this may explain my attraction to swedes. swedes = impossible to get. i mean, theres the geographic and language barriers, not to mention the fact that they live surrounded by hot europeans anyway, what they need with funny looking american chicks?

bonus points to whoever tells me the mathematical property that allows me to combine the above statements into: swedes = hot
Originally posted by BigFakeSmile
yea, so back to steve. hard to get = hot.

this reminds me of an episode of Just Shoot Me I saw once where David Spade's character is pursued for most of the episode by this hot model because everytime she tries to talk to him he blows her off or acts uninterested. So she brings him cookies and tries to talk him for the whole episode. Then in the last five minutes he starts to pay attention to her and tries to ask her out and she loses all interest in him immediately and goes back to ignoring him.