the tourettes thread

If any of you SHIT HEADSwatch shameless,theres a LICK MY HOLEcharacter on it called DOGS CUNTmarty who has WANK ME OFF MUMtourettes.SUCK IT SUCK IT SUCK IT SUCK ITIt's a bit arlarse laughing at him 'cause he's SHIT ON YOUR TITSgot something with his brain ,but it's funny.I EAT SHIT
*sitting on the bus behind a cute guy, saying to yourself, so you think*

god, your neck is beautiful, lean and and, hmmmm. I could just lean overand....your is ...lovely back on you...your profile, I can see your eyes, you look kind...if I could just touch....your mouth and, hhmmmm...fantastically looonngg, lean thighs...hands...thighs hands...

*he turns and give you a dirty look*
