THE TROPHY.."THE GIFT OF LIFE"- Excellent Hard Rock!..


New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2008
From Germany comes THE TROPHY great AOR melodic hard rock. Their new cd "The Gift Of Life" is kick ass from start to finish. I rarely to never post about hard rock but this one needed it's own thread! Check them out!
Have been aware of The Trophy for a while.
I like 'em.
Have been a fan of Bormann's vocals since Jaded Heart and he does a great job here as well.

This kind of music is not usually my cup of tea, but every now and then I need a little Hard Rock / AOR to settle the stomach and then The Trophy is as good of a choice as any.
I sampled this the other day via and really liked what I heard. It's got a modern twist to it, but not it a bad way by any means. I really enjoy Boarman's vocals on Jaded Heart as well, so this sort of a no brainer for me.

This one didnt do anything for me at all.

You want a kickass hard rock band? Check out the band OUTLOUD with Bob Katsionis, and Mark Cross of FIREWIND fame with the singer for TALON.

Absolutely killer.

OUTLOUD deserves its own thread....killer tunes.

Trophy stuff is kinda sleepy...I like the rockin songs better than the ballads, mix sounds decent. Bormann....not really a fan of his "breathy" vocals, but to each his own. Let's just say that I'm glad his experiment in Bloodbound didn't work out...:heh: