The Ultimate Hesher


Apr 14, 2008
Ode to the 80s:
The flat comb in the back pocket, ripped (not bought ripped but ripped because its old) jeans, long fuckin hair that was combed throughout the day. Metal Up Your Ass T Shirts were standard, and Vans was as good as the shoes got! Way back in the early 80s, Checkerboard slip on Vans were the Hesher staple footwear. They rode Diamond Backs or Red Lines, and lit firecrackers on the school parking lot on weekends. No song was ever listened to without air guitar. It was unheard of. That is how you listened to hard rock back then. You air guitared it, squinted your eyes and sang in a high pitch voice, no matter how bad your voice was.

Pot was an elaborate process of de-seeding. Very ugly brownish green buds from Mexico. To be a real Hesher you had to have the stoned Hesher laugh. It was something like, "Uh hu hu hu hu hu hu".

Burger King Whoppers were golden and Cornuts were carried in the back pocket. Meals had to be made of grease, beef and more grease to be considered a true Hesher meal. Nacho Cheese Dorritos were always the appetizer. Lots of Soda... lots and lots of caffeinated soda!

Iron Maiden was about as hard as anything got back then, and Ozzy was considered as evil as it got, and you would hear tales of the older Heshers describing their concert experiences as if they came back from war. I had this image as a kid that only a select few actually would survive an Ozzy concert. There were rumors that Ozzy just bit the heads off shit. He would put out a bowl and the fans would spit, piss and shit in the bowl then at the end of every concert Ozzy would drink it. I really heard that as a kid.

Riding your BMX to 7-11 to grab a cherry Slurpee and stack your quarters on top of the video game. The more quarters on top of the game, the longer you knew you had to wait. Ms. Pacman, Galaga, Journey Escape, Carnival, Defender, Missile Command and Space Invaders were religion.

When Men At Work came out I declared my self a New Waver. I thought I was so New Wave with my Men At Work cassettes and all my trapper keepers had "Men At Work Rules" all over them.

But if you wanted to freak people out, you were not just a Hesher, you were Full Hesh! Full Fuckin Hesh! You had the sick boom box that we called, Ghetto Blasters and you blasted Quiet Riot Mental Health like it was going out of Style!

Heavy Metal was an incredible animation movie, and lines of Fast Times at Ridgemont High was recited like gospel. It was every teenagers dream to order pizza in class.

Simple times back then. A time before iPhones and all the gadgets and gizmos we have now. People related on a much more personal heart to heart level, but most importantly, people understood The Rock!
I'M THE ULTIMATE HESHER :lol: I don't think too many metal head type people are aware of that term.I always here it used outside the metal circle.I first heard the term when I was called one by one of my punk rock friends. There was a local punk band called Hot Box that had a song called "Hesher" and they wanted me to be in the music video for the song but it never materialized. I think it's kind of a negative term like calling 80's glam "Hair bands".I heard the spit in the bucket(Not piss or shit) rumour about Ted Nuget.I heard lots of urban legends about Ozzy sacrificing animals on stage.One was throwing puppies in to the crowd(the same was said about Alice Cooper & more recently Marilyn Manson) and one of the funniest ones was he stuck a stick of dynamite up a goat's ass on stage and blew it up.I heard the goat was dying of cancer so he only killed sick animals. I can't believe people believe that nonsense!
I think it was more an American term. Not something I heard here in the England.

To us it was mosher, metalhead, thrasher and punk.

I would often walk past a group of "trendies" (now known as chavs) and hear the chants of "fuckin mosher" "ya greasy haired mosher" despite me wearing only jeans T-shirt and basketball boots (yeah this was circa 1987 - 1991)

the thing is I didnt have greasy hair, it was only noticbly long at the back because it was always tied back and it was shaved all round the sides.....not quite a mohawk but close to one.

We didnt really go for the ghetto blaster thing.....that was sooo breakdancing to us in the UK. We were often seen listening to walkmans or just mooching about looking for something remotely interesting to do.

Fortunately the legal age for alcohol in the UK is 18, so we didnt have long to wait, most of us passed for 18 when we were 14. and driving at 17 was another thing to look forward too. I have to admit, I still drive round listening to my music very very loud I know it makes me look like a twat but I cant help it. Its made to be played loud.

Stop and searches of the cops were a bit of a bore, and being cheeky got you into trouble. I cuoldnt help it. I really hated the cops and I used to make it very obvious to them. I was always the one getting taken home for giving them the finger etc.....Not really a good thing, but these guys deserved zero respect, they spent more time hassling us than they did catching criminals One in particular was a nasty piece of work we ended up getting him busted by playing him at his own game.

Oh and then there were the inter school fights, 3 senior schools (high schools) in one small (25000 people) town. they were violent, how no one actually died I dont know, pick axe handles and baseball bats were used and on one occasion air rifles were fired into the crowd.

people always say do you remember where you were on such a such day. I never can. Somethings do stick in my mind but my sense of humour doesnt really suit most people and some would find my musings offensive so I best not go there but lets say I was never a fan of Nirvana and in April 1994 I had a great day taking the piss out of my mate who had tickets to go see them. Pretty sick now I look back but its part of my past and I sincerely dont regret anything I have ever done in my life
I remember throwing puppies into the audience rumour. Blowng up the goat is hilarious man!

Hesher was a pretty standard term for Headbangers back in the 80s. I think it was an American term though. I was in this band in 1989 and the drummer and bassist were posers who thought they were so Metaled out. When I would play somethign good on guitar that rocked they would scream, "Man that's full hesh! Yeah Full Hesh!" If a song I brought in they thought didn't rock they would say, "That shit's Country Fuck. We want Full Hesh!"
I have to say that I've never heard the term Hesher until this post! We had a kinda bad ass biker gang in Venice called the Heshians though, sorry if I spelled that wrong, biker dudes! There were only a handful of us headbangers where I went to school and grew up, most looked like the cast of 90210, or so they thought. Me and 1 or 2 others wore leather jackets from my class, Linda and her cute freinds in hers, plus a few more.We paved the way for the youngsters!:lol: I don't think the term "headbanger" was even out then, not to date myself. I was lumped with the Stoner, Bagger group.
The checkered Vans were the shit, but the even better ones were the ones LA County issued!