The ULTIMATE Metal Guitar


Nov 29, 2005
Happy New Year, metalheads!:hotjump:

Here's my question:
In your opinion, what is the ultimate guitar for playing metal? What is the quintessential fretted "weapon" of extreme music?

Mine? Dean USA loaded with some EMG 81s. (No fucking Floyd Rose:yuk:)
Jackson Soloist neck-thru comes in a close second.

How 'bout you?
If I had enough cash I'd probably go for a Jackson King V.
I'm on the lookout for some good replacement pickups for my RR3 right now though, so feel free to recommend me some.
Stormwatch said:
If I had enough cash I'd probably go for a Jackson King V.
I'm on the lookout for some good replacement pickups for my RR3 right now though, so feel free to recommend me some.
Yeah, Jackson is awesome, but especially the US-made stuff. I've only owned one a few years back - American-made Soloist, and that thing was great. Neck-thru w/ Seymour Duncans. Still kicking myself in the ass for selling that one, but had to do it at the time. The only thing I'm not so hot on as far as King V's go is that you have to either stand up or sit on the very edge of a seat to play it:D Rhoads doesn't have that problem.

Check out some active EMGs (81s) or some Duncans. Shit, the Dimebucker by them is great!
I have a Jackson with EMG-HZ pick ups which is metal & almost a seven hundred dollar guitar. No Floyd Rose either(i hate them with passion.)
The Greys said:
I have a Jackson with EMG-HZ pick ups which is metal & almost a seven hundred dollar guitar. No Floyd Rose either(i hate them with passion.)
Someone in the future should come up with a time machine and go back in time to kill the guy who invented that goddamn locking tremelo before he invents it!:lol:
My fucking dogged out, chipped up, souped up, almost broken in half several times, paint blotched, soldering iron burned, litten on fire several times, missing parts, ebony fretboard, dimarzio electronics, totally worn out licenced floyd rose tremelo, has had several lugies hauked on it, bullets mounted under the pickups, puked on, dropped on concrete, rammed in to walls, knifed, chip marks filled in with magic marker, worn out out tremelo springs, bc rich virgin nj series seven string year 2002. This was my second guitar and ive gotten so many since, i just keep going back to it. The intonation is almost perfect and it plays really fast. I love it like a brother. I will keep it untill i die. That is the ultimate metal guitar. A guitar with charecter.
nothing with emg's. real metal has versitile sound, and you cant get that from emg's.

with that said, my ibanez is the ultimate metal guitar. and once i put smoe dimzarzio evolutions in my jackson, it will also reign supreme. ive also had good experiences with dean. my primary bass is a dean.
dimarzio pickups are amazing. i put some distortions in a washburn ps-500 i have and some evolutions into my rich. the evo's dont have as much of a crunch as the distortions but they sound way ceaner, and are great for melodic metal, because of the great midrange. The distortion bridge pickup has a little too much bass but still has a good sound.
genocide roach said:
nothing with emg's. real metal has versitile sound, and you cant get that from emg's.

with that said, my ibanez is the ultimate metal guitar. and once i put smoe dimzarzio evolutions in my jackson, it will also reign supreme. ive also had good experiences with dean. my primary bass is a dean.
I guess everyone has their own method to attaining a "perfect" sound for themselves, but what's wrong with some EMGs? I've always thought that they sounded pretty good, given that they are installed in a decent guitar. I also think that SeymourDuncans are the perfect choice for Jackson guitars. DiMarzios are great for rock n' roll, but don't have the "bite". Maybe I'm just full of shit...
This is an inherently silly question, as everyone has a different idea of what the ULTIMATE metal tone actually is. Best advice - find the albums that you own which you think have the best giutar tone, try to search the 'net to find what equipment was used on that album, then work from there.
dill_the_devil said:
This is an inherently silly question, as everyone has a different idea of what the ULTIMATE metal tone actually is. Best advice - find the albums that you own which you think have the best giutar tone, try to search the 'net to find what equipment was used on that album, then work from there.
HMMMMMMMMMMMMM... ........ ...... .... you're really onto something there, pal!:lol:
VadimVon said:
I guess everyone has their own method to attaining a "perfect" sound for themselves, but what's wrong with some EMGs? I've always thought that they sounded pretty good, given that they are installed in a decent guitar. I also think that SeymourDuncans are the perfect choice for Jackson guitars. DiMarzios are great for rock n' roll, but don't have the "bite". Maybe I'm just full of shit...

like dill said, this is my opinion. but to me, emg's sound terrible clean. and being that i like to use alot of clean parts its kinda important. another problem i have with emg is that no matter what guitar theyre in, it makes them sound the same. its most obvious in the active pickups i tink. i have hz's in my dean rhapsody that are run through a dean 3d preamp, which adds alot of character, but if it was just the emg's i think it would sound kinda generic and stale
VadimVon said:
Someone in the future should come up with a time machine and go back in time to kill the guy who invented that goddamn locking tremelo before he invents it!:lol:

You need to get a few guitars that have locking tremolos , they will grow on you once you realize the level of versatility they have. They are a bitch to set up the first few times. I had to start out on one.
I played this badass charvel the other day. Duncans, real floyd, ebony board. It was bad. (in the good way). Anyone here own the san dimas?