The Vile Creation of Dark Lords (new UMer)


Sister Fister
Feb 23, 2004
Hail all,

I'm new to this board, though I've been surfing bbs boards since the dialup telnet days.

I'd just like to say hello to everyone, as well as annouce the begining of my fledgling band, of which I am (currently) the sole member (a la Burzum). I've been writing lyrics and riffs for a while, and though I'm functional on guitar and keyboard, I could use a drummer and bassist.

So, if anyone in the Central Florida area is into black metal with blast-beats as well as artistic dirges (a mix of old and new styles) and would like to be my bassist or drummer, by all means let me know. You can email me or just post here.

I also do work (well, not "work" so much, since I only expect to be paid in memorabilia) for bands in the creation of logos, cover art, wallpapers and various other graphic works. If your band would like me to aid them, let me know. You can see some of my work on my online-portfolio/site at:
