The World According to Bruce Dickinson

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
This is from Kerrang, I think...

Bruce Dickinson: "We're as big as the ROLLING STONES in parts of the world but you'll never find us behaving like the ROLLING STONES. If being a Hollywood rock star is so important to you that everything normal in your life goes out the window then it's not worth it. Having a life is much more important than being a rock star."

"Retired heroin addicts love golf. Every one I know — from THIN LIZZY's Scott Gorham to Dave Mustaine — credits golf as being the thing that saved their lives. I'm from the Oscar Wilde fraternity that believes that golf is a good walk spoiled. I've had an implant to stop me taking it up, just as ex-smokers use nicotine patches."

"Having a private jet doesn't make you Superman. We're lucky to be able to travel around in a private jet now because we can afford it. If we could have afforded it 20 years ago we'd probably have bought one then. But I'm still catching the bus with my travel card and then catching the Tube to the airport to get to that private jet."

"If you take no interest in the tabloids, they'll take no interest in you. Once you've done your litte deal with the Devil, they reserve the right to rip you apart. I lead far too dull and incomprehensible a life for them to pay attention to what I do."

"MAIDEN are always gonna sound like MAIDEN. You could give us any song in the world and ask us to do a cover version and it'd sound like IRON MAIDEN. Put the six of us together and the sound we make is unique."

"There's far too much 'Big Brother' snooping in this country. I wouldn't complain if we lost a few speed cameras for a start."

"Because of what I do people tell my kids, 'Oh, your dad's a drug addict'. At school some kids will look at them like they have two heads. But my kids have handled themselves extraordinarily well. I imagine it'd be worse for them if I'd bitten the head off a bat."

"Do I have a routine on show days? Yeah, I turn up to the gig, get changed and do it. Then get a few 'sherberts' in. It's pretty straightforward, isn't it?"

"You'll never see an outside songwriter writing for IRON MAIDEN. It just wouldn't happen. I suppose we could give Robbie Williams' ex-songwriter Guy Chambers a call if we wanted. But he's probably busy writing forMETALLICA..."

"I'm unbelievably happy with how my life has worked out. My son said to me one day, 'You're a singer and a pilot and a writer and a DJ and a TV presenter... I don't have much to live up to then...'"