The worst effect of American culture is that


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
when I see pictures of tattooed Maori warriors, I can't think of anything except frat boys.

Ta Moko: Maori form of tattooing. Traditinnally done with the use of a wooden stick that you dip into ink and a rock to hit the other end of the stick. Getting a Tat Moko is a coming of age tradition and maori would never get a Ta Moko any other way than with that method, even today.

Moko is the maori art/style of the tatoo, so it can be a wood carving. Ta Moko refers to the body art.


Ta Moko:

[font=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"Not everyone can wear one. I had to get permission from the elders in my clan. And I prayed to my ancestral spirits to grant me the strength to wear a Moko. Every moko is unique to the wearer. In my case every line tells a story. My moko reflects 480 years of my ancestral line. The four lines drawn from my nose symbolise the four canoes that came to Aotearoa. The two circles on the sides depict my father's and mother's family histories. The lines connect me with my clans, tribal dwellings, canoes and tribes, to the knowledge of nature and to the eternal significance of our culture."[/font]
aren't you the guy who yelled at the Dope because he conducted a well-researched exposé on the genetic tendencies of swarthy Arabs to commit suicide with explosives in close proximity to other people?
I don't think so. I think, correct me if I am wrong, you meant that Islamic muslims have a tendency to blow themselves up close to other people. That is entirely different to "Arabs to commit suicide with explosives in close proximity to other people"

Not all arabs are muslims (ie, maronite christians in Lebanon) and not all muslims are Islamic. And you add to that the fact that some of the people that blow themselves up are not arabs (such as Afghan, Pakistanis and Indonesians). The whole genetic thing is out the window because you have arabs that don't and non-arabs that do.