The Yo Yo's - Given Up Giving Up


Jun 20, 2004
The Yo Yo’s – Given Up Giving Up
Undergroove - 03.10.05
By Anna Novitzky


Some people make music to convey the anguish in their souls. Some use it to make a political point, to wind other people up or, god forbid, to make money. And then there are those who just want to have a damn good time. The Yo Yo’s fall squarely into this final category.

Founded by Danny McCormack, bassist to celebrated party-animals The Wildhearts, The Yo Yo’s play good old-fashioned punk ‘n’ roll, an upbeat combination of dirty riffs and cheerfully shouted lyrics about how fun it is to be in a band and get smashed all the time. Evoking a little bit of Terrorvision and a lot of Lit, it’s neither cerebral nor technically magnificent, but it is entertaining. Unfortunately, each track is almost completely indistinguishable from the others – or, in fact from any track from their previous album, Uppers And Downers. However, at a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it twenty minutes and fifty-four seconds, Given Up Giving Up is far too short for this to matter.

So, don’t play this if you’re trying to impress anyone with the intelligence and subtlety of your musical taste; but if you’re in the mood to kick back with a bottle of White Lightning and pogo the time away, Given Up Giving Up is just the ticket.


Official The Yo Yo's Website
Official Undergroove Website