The Zen of Dave Lombardo


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I think it truly, truly dawned on me today just what a genius this man is. Case in point: have you ever REALLY listened to his drumming, particularly on a song like "War Ensemble"? I know it's easy to get lost in the general rhythm and riffs of a Slayer song, but this man is the absolute backbone of the band.

Before you refute this and list other great drummers who are more "technical" etc, there is one more comment to add about Lombardo: his playing just feels so natural, almost organic. Nothing sterile about it, it's packed with dispersed emotion, keeping the song on its toes so to speak. You can't say that about many drummers, and Lombardo is relentless with these 'sparks of magic'.

Listen to "War Ensemble" and tune out everything other than the drumming. Then tell me I'm wrong, I dare you. :cool:

That is all.
Lombardo is fucking amazing, but it took some time to really appreciate what he does because he isn't a real standout player. I think his work with Fantômas is probably the best, shit doesn't even make coherent sense as a time signature, but at the same time is perfect. Oh, and the last Grip Inc. albums has some of the coolest sounding doublebass work ever. :kickass:

I still snigger when I listen to the live version of Raining Blood on DOA when he fucks up the double bass solo. :p
One Inch Man said:
Lombardo is fucking amazing, but it took some time to really appreciate what he does because he isn't a real standout player.

That's because Slayer is all about the riffs. I think it took intense listening to "Seasons in the Abyss", where the riffs are held back compared to earlier works, that Lombardo emerged from the shadows. Once you tune into his work on one album, you'll discover his trills on all the other albums too.
Well I'd definitely say Seasons is his shining moment. Kerry King's as well. Jeff Hanneman? Yep. Tom Araya? Nah, he was better on Divine Intervention. But Seasons is THE Slayer album in my butt.... uhh, mind. :headbang:
please.... don't even get me started ... you are right, he has an organic, natural feel. never sounds technical or perfect. he even sounds like he fucks up sometimes on disc ... but the man is a "key" part of the Slayer sound ... he has a style of his own that is just unmistakable.

i mean the genius intro to Criminally Insane or Raining Blood :OMG: ... those songs would not be the classics that they are with someone else behind the kit.

he is the only musician I bow down to ... honestly.
One Inch Man said:
Well I'd definitely say Seasons is his shining moment.

Could very well be, it's not like I've spent as much time with the others recently, and it was the drumming on this album that really grabbed my attention....

For 10 years, I never really liked "Spirit in Black" because of the simplicity in the riffs, but then all of a sudden, I realize I'm focusing on the wrong thing...

And what about the title track? I just find the whole thing rather odd, very un-Slayer like, but altogether quite addictive as hell!
Dude you know my review of that one. :headbang:

I love playing Spirit in Black, that's one of my Guitar Center favorites! :headbang:

That fucking double bass that kicks in right before the first vocals do... UN. FUCKING. RULY.

:headbang: :headbang: :dick: :headbang:
finally got a new tape player for the car and reign is in there right now
without lombardo slayer would be much less

you can say all you like about faster or more technical players
but look at him play
he's like an engine and he hits those things hard

you just don't get the aggression with tippy tap players no matter how fast they are
I've been addicted to the drums on the Seasons albums since times innumerable, he is the fucking BEAST on that album and no mistaking.
unhinged said:
you can say all you like about faster or more technical players
but look at him play
he's like an engine and he hits those things hard

you just don't get the aggression with tippy tap players no matter how fast they are

That's exactly right. For the last several years, so many people have got used to triggered sounds, or homemade drum patterns, and now, real drummers are just emulating that mechanical sound. I guarantee that a drummer today would just hit the same monotonous beat all the way through a song, where you might as well just have a fucken drum machine. No innovation. It's like flicking promos across the room into a pile of drivel.

Then you take Lombardo....he "marches to the sound of a different drum".

Ayeka said:
I've been addicted to the drums on the Seasons albums since times innumerable, he is the fucking BEAST on that album and no mistaking.

I've had "Seasons..." for so long now, and I don't know what happened -- perhaps it was because I listened to it in a different CD player or something, but something just made me go "woah" all of a sudden. [/keanu reeves]
Yeah, I mean, I was quite surprised when you said it took you awhile to notice him, to me he's one of the unmistakeable standout features of the album. Especially if you listened to the Slayer discography in order up to Seasons, you'd notice him particularly shining at the end there :headbang:
JayKeeley said:
That's exactly right. For the last several years, so many people have got used to triggered sounds, or homemade drum patterns, and now, real drummers are just emulating that mechanical sound. I guarantee that a drummer today would just hit the same monotonous beat all the way through a song, where you might as well just have a fucken drum machine. No innovation. It's like flicking promos across the room into a pile of drivel.

Then you take Lombardo....he "marches to the sound of a different drum".


Gene Hoglan circa Dark Angel days is another beast like him and so was the guy from Sacred Reich (if I remember correctly he was even asked to join Slayer the time Lombardo left)

But again, I must say Negru has a total sound of his own as well.
I think I would pick Pete Sandoval (god damn it makes me laugh to hear his voice on that titty interview site :tickled: ) over Lombardo for favorite metal drummer, but it would be a tough decision and not one I'd want to make pubically [EDIT: LOLZ PUBIC!!!111five].

My favorite drummers are Danny Carey and Tim Alexander, listening to both of them has literally put me in a trance before. Nobody has the emotive qualities that Carey has, and fuckin' NOBODY sounds like Alexander. That dude's doublebass work is even more obscene than Tomas Haake from Meshuggah. Listen to Primus - Sailing the Seas of Cheese sometime and focus on the doublebass work, IT BOGGLES THE MIND. o_O
I think I would pick Pete Sandoval (god damn it makes me laugh to hear his voice on that titty interview site ) over Lombardo for favorite metal drummer, but it would be a tough decision and not one I'd want to make pubically.

hehehe ... was just listening to MA last night coming back from a date ... and started laughing to myself about the very same thing. His beaner accent is a total pisser. :lol:
"Joo know mang, Imma gonna HEET them focking drums so HAARD eet's goink to make joo hghghead SPEEN..."
Danny Carey is UNRULY. Let us not forget the drumming glory that is showcased by Borknagar and Moonsorrow as well...