Interesting. I've noticed a slight improvement both in my range and my ability to relax my throat after watching the first dvd (I've been doing the warmup exercises in my car on the way to work every day for a while now).

I'll definitely be picking this one up!
I got into a lot of those exercises, but since I also had years of experience with the saxophones and bass clarinet, as well as eight years of babysitting a now-eight-year-old, I have to say that there does come a point where they don't help much. I'm interested more in Chuck Billy than the vocals from anyone on that lineup, but this could turn out useful.

I actually improved my heavy vocals about 500% by just watching the DVD twice and not practicing any of the exercises.

I guess I was so wrong on everything before that I would fuck up my throat after 30 seconds of screaming, while just recently I did two concerts on two consecutive days for a total time of 90 minutes of screaming and singing - no problems.

As I said, I just watched the DVD and tried singing with "the dump" and other techniques without ever practicing the exercises. And I was also suprised on how much stuff there is on actual singing on the DVD and how "little" there is on screaming.

I really dig the DVD and it was worth every penny (it's only a few bucks anyway).

EDIT: Stupid me is talking about the Zen Of Screaming part 1 ... I haven't heard of part 2.
yea our singer got it too seems to have a lot of help on singing/screaming properly and also with pitch and how to hit notes and stuff very cool DVD for what 20 bucks.

Oh woops i din't see the #2 on there sorry he got 1st one............
Me Ge E E E

To be honest I don't agree 100% with her "fire" technique. To me it produces annoying sounds like Kurt Cobain.
I actually got the DVD for my wife this Christmas. She wants to learn to do death-y vocals and front a band with me sometime. We haven't gotten it out of the shrink wrap yet but I'm sure it will be cool.
I don't have the dvd, but the title kills me, and makes me laugh

Pronunciation: 'zen
Function: noun
Etymology: Japanese, religious meditation
: a Japanese sect of Mahayana Buddhism that aims at enlightenment by direct intuition through meditation

Pronunciation: 'skrEm
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English scremen; akin to Middle Dutch schreem scream
intransitive verb
1 a (1) : to voice a sudden sharp loud cry (2) : to produce harsh high tones b : to make a noise resembling a scream <the siren screamed> c : to move with great rapidity
2 a : to speak or write with intense or hysterical emotion b : to protest, demand, or complain vehemently c : to laugh hysterically
3 : to produce a vivid startling effect
transitive verb : to utter with or as if with a scream

it is like
"the peace of war"
"the fire of water"
"the earth of sky"

I just picture a bunch of tibetan monks sitting in a circle on the dusty floor of a buddist monastery SCREAMING their fucking heads off
I guess the "Tao of Screaming" was taken :D

It'd probably be more appropriate though. I always thought this title was a little ironic.

I can say that while a good screaming session gives some form of primal release, I can hardly say that it induced a zen-like state. The association with Buddhism which promotes solitude and listening rather than speaking (in this case screaming). That being said, I'd like to see a good monk-fronted "Zen Metal" outfit, or even a Hare Krishna mosh pit! :D
, or even a Hare Krishna mosh pit! :D

Just go to any Straight Edge Fest, be aware of any flying vegetables and such... seriously.

I´ve a serious problem on the "Heat" technique, I go from total clean vox to total Fire but can´t understand that little overdriving thing... I do agree with someone above that mentioned it sounds a bit Kurt Cobain, wich is the last thing one would want to.
It can also sound like early thrash, Alice Cooper, Steven Tyler, Phil Anselmo...

The point is to get that 'edge' by being loud enough to make your voice go from the typical 'natural' sound to aperiodic vibration, which is what will be percieved as that bit of 'heat'.

I should note that I recently went to a voice specialist after having a few months of acid reflux issues that were interfering with my voice, and found that if you use the techniques you'll hear as being the 'safe' way - i.e. false vocal folds being stressed, to 'save' the true vocal folds - you can still fuck up your voice because your idea of the 'normal' way to speak and sing will change and you'll be left with what is for all practical intents and purposes an aperiodic voice. I found that (apart from having digestive enzymes all around my voice area) I hadn't taken any hits as far as range goes (I fucked up on the low part of the range test but I know that I've two octaves going straight up from the upper part of my normal speech - and I'm a baritone) and while I have some serious lungs and a powerful enough diaphragm to make people's heads hurt without thinking twice, it did actually change my voice. There is now a substantial gap in the back of the vocal fold contact area - which is normal for women and not harmful to men, but which wasn't there before - and as I mentioned before aperiodicity in my speaking and normal singing voice. Just a heads-up - this is after ONLY going by what several sources confirmed as the 'safe way' and never abusing my voice in any other way.
