The Zero Hour Interview KICKED ASS!!!

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Jasun and Troy were absolutely hillarious! They kept yammering and yammering for over an hour :-) Thanks to all our chatroom participants, we did cover a lot of ground with many different questions! We'll have a place to download the interview from soon. And soon after, we'll have the whole thing transcribed.

Highlights of the interview (for those who missed)
- Jasun announced for the first time that Zero Hour are selling a special disc of unreleased material at Prog Power 3.0 for all the fans. This disc will not be availble anywhere but Prog Power 3.0 USA.
- Apparently Erik Rosvold (ZH vocalist) got incredibly intoxicated at Prog Power in Europe and stole one of the performing band's (who shall remain nameless) beer, ripped off a refridgerator door, and had that band chasing Zero Hour around :-) You'd have to have heard this story to believe it.
- Zero Hour have written all the music for their forthcoming album. We forgot to ask when they estimate they'll have it released, but we did find out that they have a 16 minute epic that they are very proud of. They have a song with keyboards and chanting. One song uses a seven string guitar. They believe this material is stronger than Towers of Avarice.
- Jasun (subtly) admits he is the cuter of the two twins... while Troy is the smarter one.
- Troy's two favorite ZH songs are "Demise and Vestige" and "Stratagem."
- These brothers have not only identicle looks and voices (man it was rough telling them apart) but they have practically identical brains. When I talked to Troy it felt like I was still talking to Jasun :-) lol
- Jasun and Troy both use '70s stoner words such as like, dude, yeeeeeah, cool cats, and right on. It was so laid back, Tobias and I were nearly in tears laughing a few times! My God, those guys are funny.

We had a TON of people in the chat room, and all of us seemed to have a great time. Please join us again for a Power of Omens interview next week! I'll be speaking to Dave Gallegos of Power of Omens, and it will be a great interview!

Set List 4/13/02
*Denotes a request

Power of Omens- “Inner Voices/Alone I Stand”
Eldritch- “Lord of an Empty Place”

Star One- “Set Your Controls”
*Rush- “One Little Victory”
Vanden Plas- “Cold Wind”
Megadeth- “Tornado of Souls” (live)

Rhapsody- “Steel Gods of the Last Apocalypse”
At Vance- “Only Human”
Labyrinth- “Save Me”
*Rush- “Available Light”

Rush- “Ceiling Unlimited”
Rush- “Ghost Rider”
Rush- “Peacable Kingdom”
Rush- “The Stars Look Down”

Zero Hour- “The Towers of Avarice”
Zero Hour- “Subterranean”
Zero Hour- “Stratagem”
Zero Hour- “Reflections”

Interview with Jasun and Troy Tipton

*Angra- “Unholy Wars”
*Aghora- “Existence”
*Messugah- “The Mouth Licking What You’ve Bled”
*Project Hate- “The Divine Burning of Angels”

Superior- “Propaganda X”
*Opeth- “White Cluser”
Archetype- “Premonitions”
*Pain of Salvation- “Winning a War”

*Symphony X- “Damnation Game”
*Dead Soul Tribe- “Coming Down”
*Spiral Architect- “Adaptability”
Way to go man,my brutha's ruleth very much!!!!I can't wait to see them on the big stage at PPUSA,its going to KILL!!!!

Anyone in LA tonight go check them out with Prototype!!!

For anyone that missed it, DJ Zero Hour will be re-airing the interview (in part at least) on his Seismic show next week:

And don't forgot about the forthcoming Power of Omens and Virgin Steele interviews on April 20th and May 4th respectively. We're going to ask probing questions about the band's new album and future touring plans. David DeFeis (VS) I am especially excited about interviewing. I'm sure Dave will have plenty of fascinating stories to tell all of us :lol:

The Michael