Jasun and Troy were absolutely hillarious! They kept yammering and yammering for over an hour
Thanks to all our chatroom participants, we did cover a lot of ground with many different questions! We'll have a place to download the interview from soon. And soon after, we'll have the whole thing transcribed.
Highlights of the interview (for those who missed)
- Jasun announced for the first time that Zero Hour are selling a special disc of unreleased material at Prog Power 3.0 for all the fans. This disc will not be availble anywhere but Prog Power 3.0 USA.
- Apparently Erik Rosvold (ZH vocalist) got incredibly intoxicated at Prog Power in Europe and stole one of the performing band's (who shall remain nameless) beer, ripped off a refridgerator door, and had that band chasing Zero Hour around
You'd have to have heard this story to believe it.
- Zero Hour have written all the music for their forthcoming album. We forgot to ask when they estimate they'll have it released, but we did find out that they have a 16 minute epic that they are very proud of. They have a song with keyboards and chanting. One song uses a seven string guitar. They believe this material is stronger than Towers of Avarice.
- Jasun (subtly) admits he is the cuter of the two twins... while Troy is the smarter one.
- Troy's two favorite ZH songs are "Demise and Vestige" and "Stratagem."
- These brothers have not only identicle looks and voices (man it was rough telling them apart) but they have practically identical brains. When I talked to Troy it felt like I was still talking to Jasun
- Jasun and Troy both use '70s stoner words such as like, dude, yeeeeeah, cool cats, and right on. It was so laid back, Tobias and I were nearly in tears laughing a few times! My God, those guys are funny.
We had a TON of people in the chat room, and all of us seemed to have a great time. Please join us again for a Power of Omens interview next week! I'll be speaking to Dave Gallegos of Power of Omens, and it will be a great interview!
Set List 4/13/02
*Denotes a request
Power of Omens- Inner Voices/Alone I Stand
Eldritch- Lord of an Empty Place
Star One- Set Your Controls
*Rush- One Little Victory
Vanden Plas- Cold Wind
Megadeth- Tornado of Souls (live)
Rhapsody- Steel Gods of the Last Apocalypse
At Vance- Only Human
Labyrinth- Save Me
*Rush- Available Light
Rush- Ceiling Unlimited
Rush- Ghost Rider
Rush- Peacable Kingdom
Rush- The Stars Look Down
Zero Hour- The Towers of Avarice
Zero Hour- Subterranean
Zero Hour- Stratagem
Zero Hour- Reflections
Interview with Jasun and Troy Tipton
*Angra- Unholy Wars
*Aghora- Existence
*Messugah- The Mouth Licking What Youve Bled
*Project Hate- The Divine Burning of Angels
Superior- Propaganda X
*Opeth- White Cluser
Archetype- Premonitions
*Pain of Salvation- Winning a War
*Symphony X- Damnation Game
*Dead Soul Tribe- Coming Down
*Spiral Architect- Adaptability

Highlights of the interview (for those who missed)
- Jasun announced for the first time that Zero Hour are selling a special disc of unreleased material at Prog Power 3.0 for all the fans. This disc will not be availble anywhere but Prog Power 3.0 USA.
- Apparently Erik Rosvold (ZH vocalist) got incredibly intoxicated at Prog Power in Europe and stole one of the performing band's (who shall remain nameless) beer, ripped off a refridgerator door, and had that band chasing Zero Hour around

- Zero Hour have written all the music for their forthcoming album. We forgot to ask when they estimate they'll have it released, but we did find out that they have a 16 minute epic that they are very proud of. They have a song with keyboards and chanting. One song uses a seven string guitar. They believe this material is stronger than Towers of Avarice.
- Jasun (subtly) admits he is the cuter of the two twins... while Troy is the smarter one.
- Troy's two favorite ZH songs are "Demise and Vestige" and "Stratagem."
- These brothers have not only identicle looks and voices (man it was rough telling them apart) but they have practically identical brains. When I talked to Troy it felt like I was still talking to Jasun

- Jasun and Troy both use '70s stoner words such as like, dude, yeeeeeah, cool cats, and right on. It was so laid back, Tobias and I were nearly in tears laughing a few times! My God, those guys are funny.
We had a TON of people in the chat room, and all of us seemed to have a great time. Please join us again for a Power of Omens interview next week! I'll be speaking to Dave Gallegos of Power of Omens, and it will be a great interview!
Set List 4/13/02
*Denotes a request
Power of Omens- Inner Voices/Alone I Stand
Eldritch- Lord of an Empty Place
Star One- Set Your Controls
*Rush- One Little Victory
Vanden Plas- Cold Wind
Megadeth- Tornado of Souls (live)
Rhapsody- Steel Gods of the Last Apocalypse
At Vance- Only Human
Labyrinth- Save Me
*Rush- Available Light
Rush- Ceiling Unlimited
Rush- Ghost Rider
Rush- Peacable Kingdom
Rush- The Stars Look Down
Zero Hour- The Towers of Avarice
Zero Hour- Subterranean
Zero Hour- Stratagem
Zero Hour- Reflections
Interview with Jasun and Troy Tipton
*Angra- Unholy Wars
*Aghora- Existence
*Messugah- The Mouth Licking What Youve Bled
*Project Hate- The Divine Burning of Angels
Superior- Propaganda X
*Opeth- White Cluser
Archetype- Premonitions
*Pain of Salvation- Winning a War
*Symphony X- Damnation Game
*Dead Soul Tribe- Coming Down
*Spiral Architect- Adaptability