Theend shipping to europe?

Colonial Boy

Apr 18, 2003
Portsmouth, UK
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Im planning to buy 13 cd's from theend with the the UPS express shipping to England but is this amount of cds likely to be stopped for tax at customs? I dont wanna end up paying shitloads on import. And does anyone know how long itll take to ship as im going on holiday in 2 weeks and need something new to listen to. Thankyou
Spike said:
I won't get hit up for sending a Single CD to Finland through The End will I? :confused:
Nah u should be ok. The most ive ordered is 5 at a time but im thinkin with like 13 I might be pushing my luck a bit. It also took about 3 and a half weeks with the cheap overseas shipping so I just wanna know anyones experiences with the more expensive shipping method.