there is a baby in the chair next to me right now


Aug 2, 2002
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my coworker couldnt find a sitter today. she brought her baby in. she brought her over and said 'no one else can handle this!' and left her here for an hour. she's really cute and she's 6 months old. her name is avril.

she rules! and yea, i need a digital camera like, yesterday.
she is currently staring at me and blowing spit bubbles.
ps: give that baby something to do- like delegate authority so said baby will learn to keep her head above water in the working world instead of suckling at the teat of humanity forever.
chupe, that's a good idea and all, but this is a non-profit! so actually, she's being trained currently to be a bleeding heart liberal. she's also trying to help me find an accurate digital scale on the internet to weigh myself with so i dont get a complex.

(our scale at home, i learned, says we are 10 pounds heavier than we actually are which sucks)
Originally posted by the_preppy
chupe, that's a good idea and all, but this is a non-profit! so actually, she's being trained currently to be a bleeding heart liberal.


she's also trying to help me find an accurate digital scale on the internet to weigh myself with so i dont get a complex.
(our scale at home, i learned, says we are 10 pounds heavier than we actually are which sucks)
That's whack. Maybe a balance would be better, then you just add 5lb sacks of flour to the other side until you come to the closest balance. Unless the sacks of flour are really heavier than they're supposed to be...

(I know, it says 50 lbs-that's part of the joke...)
i am not sure there's a whole lot of room in my apartment for sacks of flour.... but it's a thought. i think i will walk down to bed bath and beyond and look there first. but thanks for the tip! all the inline reviews of digital scales seem to point to the fact that they suck. so maybe i will get a dial one.

i'm sure everyone at work will get a kick out of me having a scale.
yea i need to get a scale that goes well over 300 pounds cuz otherwise i will break it.

in other news, my boss told me that there's a scale that makes pig noises.
the pig noises would be amazing.

that reminds me of a friend i had in hs/college that would buy his mom a pair of slippers every year for Christmas- the goofiest ones he could find, and usually they made noises. Like the ones with shark fins that played JAWS when you walked. She took em back every yr.
yea. it sounds neat. i hate slippers though! i hate them. every year someone gets me slippers and i am like, hi i was barefoot for the first 5 years of my life... i HATE SHOES.

anyway, i just decided that my new favorite site is
i didn't care for slippers either until someone bought me some a year or two ago for xmas, and now i love them. probably has to do with me having no circulation in my extremities.

(and no, that wasn't a genitalia reference)
oh my god. I ONLY wear slippers when I'm home. even in the summer.

Hmm...that sounds like I don't wear clothes when I'm home, but that's simply not true. I mean as far as my feet are concerned, I only wear slippers while in my house.