There's a car bomb in a parking lot about 50 meters away from my house.


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Police, fire trucks and ambulances everywhere, they've evacuated people from the nearby apartments (thankfully we're just far away for them not to bother with us) and sealed off the area with POLICE - DO NOT CROSS tape... This is really weird, this is like a rather calm residential area and stuff like this has never happened before... O____O
spaffe said:
Hm, cool/strange, haven't heard any sirens though. But perhaps you live some distance from me. Are they certain it's a bomb? I mean it could just be a threat or?

Yeah, it could just be a threat, they're waiting for experts from Piteå to come investigate it still I guess...

Foto: Scanpix

Snusning ökar cancerrisken visar ny studie
En ny studie visar att risken för cancer ökar i munnen och i bukspottkörteln vid snusning. Det är Världshälsoorganisationen, WHO, som presenterar den nya studien och som Dagens Nyheter publicerar i dag. Fyra tidigare oberoende studier har visat att snusning inte orsakar cancer och varningstexterna på snusdosorna har tagits bort.


Foto: Per Landfors

Varning för renar på inlandsvägarna
Polisen i Dorotea varnar för att det uppehåller sig mycket renar på vägarna i inlandet. På väg 92 mellan Åsele och Dorotea vid Varpsjö och vid korsningen till Lomsjö befinner sig hundratals renar på och intill vägen.
- Vi får in rapporter om flera renpåkörningar varje dag, säger Ronald Andersson vid Doroteapolisen.

haha, reindeer rule.
Sweden is a rogue state with ties to terrorism that, need this even be mentioned, clearly HATES AMERICA.

i hope nobody blows up, godspeed and such
One Inch Man said:
Sweden is a rogue state with ties to terrorism that, need this even be mentioned, clearly HATES AMERICA.

i hope nobody blows up, godspeed and such
Yay! Can we part of the Axis of Evil®? Can we, please please please? *jumps*
So let me get this straight. There is a potential car bomb 50m away from your house and you're still on the computer? Do you live in a bomb shelter? :loco:

What exactly does it take to have you evacuate your PC? Prioritize the following:

- naked chick
- 'lost' Thergothon split with Skepticism on numbered vinyl sold on a market stall in town
- a suitcase filled with untraceable money
- car bomb 50m away from your house

What about mousewings?

:lol: :lol: :lol: @ that too.

I'm a pretty good stalker... but can't go to Sweden. Hmm... Erik can call police services to take me away saying I'm a threat... they'd probably believe him. I prefer him not to call police though. ;)

For some reasons, bombs/bomb threats don't seem like a big deal to me. We've had them at my work twice within the last 3 years. And once at my old workplace. Also, this crazed guy with a gun holding his family hostage a block away from my house. I don't mind anymore. I didn't care... but just in case, stay indoors.
In my part. Yes. Not really exciting though. Exciting would... different.

I hate reindeer. Well, maybe I don't... but I don't like them.