THERION - Lemuria


The Truth Seeker
Mar 14, 2003
Planet Earth
ALBUM: Lemuria
LABEL: Nuclear Blast Records


1. Typhoon
2. Uthark Runa
3. Lemuria
4. The Dreams of Swedenborg
5. An Arrow from the Sun
6. Feuer Overture / Prometheus entfesselt

(Full length album contains 10 tracks)


7. Blood of Kingu
8. Son of the Sun
9. The Khlysti
10. Kali Yuga Part 1
11. Kali Yuga Part 2
12. Call of Dagon
13. Sirius B

(Full length album contains 11 tracks)


First off I must apologise on behalf of the label because they have not supplied a full track listing and the bands’ web site reads . . . ‘Soon to be filled with life.’ – so no luck there and if that statement is anything to go by I am presently scratching my head thinking what on earth this album is about?

THERION are a Swedish classical metal band who have been around for more than a decade. Their discography to date totals a whopping seventeen albums – of which I have only heard one and to be honest this ‘partial album’ will add quite nicely to my collection of already mounting tea coasters!

The metal scene is fragmenting into smaller and smaller pieces yet more and more bands seem to be appearing to grab a fragment of an already diminishing audience foothold. But when bands like THERION come along, one is almost disturbed and shocked to the core that such a band could possibly still exist, especially when its music is nothing more than a stale old fart.

Concept albums and operatic metal albums have always been the bread and butter of the metal scene and the cohesive glues that successful bands have employed ensure there is a fair mixture of the two styles, if not leaning more on the metal and simply borrowing influences to super-charge the music such as Arjen Anthony Lucassen’s - Star One.

But this? It’s not very modern. It’s an operatic piece that needs to be viewed inside the confines of an auditorium with dancers and actors going through the motions. The album is stagnant and within the first few minutes numbs the listener into a sense of paralysis. The fact that this is only an excerpt was bad enough but to sit through approximately two hours of this would turn a normal bodily-motion person into a constipated mess.

Reviewer – Chief B
Rating – 3 /10
I totally disagree with your review dude.
First of all Therion are from Sweden. Then about your review, you dont even bother to describe the album's music. My opinion is that first of all you have to tell the reader about the music of the album.
Then about the music ..
Lemuria is a great great great blend of 70s heavy metal/some Iron Maiden/few Manowar influences, with some classical music arrangements. It has AMAZING melodies and some very strong and inspirational riffs. Not to mention that the guys who sing (Especially the SUBERBE MATTS LEVEN of Abstract Algebra/Krux) are GREAT singers and they sing some perfect vocal melodies in the album.
Sirius B is less heavy, but still dreamy and 70s guitar oriented beautiful music.. needs more listening sessions.
Well i say all these because imo you dont explain to the reader, or convince him why this album deserves a 3/10.
I would like to hear what you didnt like in the album's music (and not about the album's place in the nowdays metal scene)
Haha, I figured this could go either way with you...not sure if many people would disagree. I only have Secret of the Runes, and I thought it was alright. I'd really like to check out Vovin or Theli, but not in a mad rush or anything.

I always remember something that bloodfiredeath once said about Therion:

bloodfiredeath said:
I have Theli and I only put it on when I want to make people who have never heard it laugh. It always works. The stuff after that is way worse though, metal muzak...
pffft, the only worthwhile albums from this band are the first 3 death metal albums, basically almost everything before Theli (AKA one of the most overrated wankerific albums metal has ever conceived).
IOfTheStorm said:
First of all Therion are from Sweden. Then about your review, you dont even bother to describe the album's music. My opinion is that first of all you have to tell the reader about the music of the album.
Well, according to the material sent by Nuclear Blast their country of origin is Germany. Secondly, my opinion, is that I will review the albums as I see fit and I reserve final judgement. This album is a mess and has no coherent strand. The fact that they used over 170 musicians in making this doesn't add an iota to my score or factoring. The music feels dead and like I said it is better placed within an auditorium environment to be acted out - like in a true opera or theatre production. I'm sure you can argue your point but to be honest the review is posted and non negotiable.
I have amended the text and THERION have now changed nationalities back to their native Sweden - due to popular demand.
Secondly, my opinion, is that I will review the albums as I see fit and I reserve final judgement. This album is a mess and has no coherent strand. The fact that they used over 170 musicians in making this doesn't add an iota to my score or factoring. The music feels dead and like I said it is better placed within an auditorium environment to be acted out - like in a true opera or theatre production. I'm sure you can argue your point but to be honest the review is posted and non negotiable.
Well i didnt say "change your review". Just wanted to point out that you dont say anything about the MUSIC of the album (which is obviously the most important thing in an .. album), thus someone may be confused and understand that "this is just a bad album" without even knowing the music's substance. I just think that most people who read reviews care for a MUSICAL DESCRIPTION, and not in which environment the "undescribable in the review" music is better placed.
not that i have heard the album in question but this review of it almost made me consider getting it in spite of my rather solid unfondness of operatic whatever metal :)
just thought i'd post if someone wants a second opinoin of it, and besides it's a worthwhile read anyway
I hate the term "operatic metal" .. its probably one of the worst terms ever (it is even compared to THE WORST TERM EVER = STONER) . This Therion album here is simply very melodic heavy metal with a variety of vocals and musical arrangements. SOME of the vocals are operatic and SOME of the arrangements are with classical music instruments.
I think "operatic metal" is a fair term, especially when describing stuff like Deggial or Vovin. I mean shit, the opera does come to mind and it's certainly easier than "heavy metal with classical arrangements with different types of vocals".

FOr people up on the fence regarding Therion, go check out Hollenthon, which is what Therion would sound like if they actually had some balls.
Hollenthon borrowed one melody line from Romeo & Juliet on With Vilest of Worms to Dwell, yeah. So what? And they're still better, so that doesn't say much for Therion.

Nachtfalke borrowed the melody line from Lord of the Rings. And it worked well.

Although I will give it to Therion, not many bands can release the same album five times and have their fans coming back for more. Good for them.