Thick metal tone test - advice?


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2009
Hey. I'm currently working on a metalcore ish type track and I'm going for a really crunchy deep low end - think of KSE's latest album. I uploaded a short portion of the song because I just want you guys to tell me how the instruments (especially the guitars) sound and how the mix fits together. I think there's too much low end in the mix although I'm mixing with a pretty strong subwoofer. My moitoring setup isn't exactly the greatest (ok - it sucks but I'm upgrading soon) and I'd like to know how the mix sounds from people that know what they're talking about. Also, I know the guitar playing is sloppy - it's actually not me playing so don't critisize on that.

One last thing, I just couldn't get the bass guitar to fit well in the mix. Anyone have some mixing suggestions towards how I could make the dam bass guitar better?

I think the tone sounds really thin actually. The whole mix is lacking low-end too.

Maybe you should try to listen to your mix with headphones to check if everything sounds balanced? Instead of listening with a huge amount of subwoofer
Thin huh? Dam, I tried to add as much low end as I could. I turned the subwoofer down and checked it out with my sony monitoring headphones and it sounded pretty heavy to me. I'll try to fix that.

EDIT: Ok, I added more bass to the mix by doing some EQ dips to let the bass and guitar punch through. Now it seems sort of undefined. I'm really going for a My curse by Killswitch Engage sort of sound cause how the bass/guitar combo growls so well is amazing.


Any other suggestions?

Problem is, now with my subwoofer on - the bass sounds waaaaaaaaay too overpowering. And not the good kind.
don't put too much in, you can try beefing the guitars up later with a multiband
doesn't really sound like you did much to the guitars, the bass has too much boom in it

are you filtering these?? if you are you might have em too low
I barely put more in. It's just so hard to get a good sounding bass when you're using VST's (I'm currently using broomstick bass which sucks ass). I didn't change much to the guitar. Yes they are filtered. Both the guitar and bass are low passed - I took out a lot of top end in the guitar to remove fizz and also some high end in the bass because - well it's a bass.
high pass em also...i don't think the guitars will need it but the bass does, course that could just be the natural way the samples sound. but try to get more of a rumble out of them instead of that hollow tunnel *doon* they are making
i'd suggets to go easy on the low pass for the bass also, you might be killing the sound, leave some high end up there, 2k up around can probably filter it at 5k or 6k round there, shelf down the middle if you have to

maybe have the high pass round 70hz for the bass, play around