Things I learned yesterday.

the new Taco Bell beef and potato burrito lands like a cinder block in your stomach and fights you all the rest of the afternoon.

You take water for granted until your facilities people turn off the water main.

I enjoy the company of my lesbian cubemate (henceforth referred to here as LC) more every day. During a break yesterday, we watched the cavalcade of human detritus wander past our cube doorway:

Me: there goes Clayton. Fucker thinks he’s a Cherokee warrior or something.
LC: Ugh. He gives me the creeps.
Me: That’s because white women have to be careful they aren’t stolen away by randy Indian braves.
LC: haha. Oops here comes Helen. Jesus, I bet you could fit four or five Katrinas (Katrina is a sweetheart but painfully thin) inside those pants!
Me: Hey, here comes that new staffer, Christie.
(Christie is a tall, buxom, statuesque brunette with a simply stunning figure)
LC: Man, she’s hot! Sweet.
(Christie is a tall, buxom, statuesque brunette with a simply stunning figure)