Things I Wish I Had Not Washed In That Last Load Of Laundry


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
* pack of Extra gum...the extra-large packs
* piece of paper from work which I am half-sure once had a phone number on it, probably from a girl.
* pennies
* the two blue shirts that did not get properly rinsed of soap and now look like they have cumstains on the back
* an ENTIRE BOX of Bounce fabric softener
* my hoodie which i did not realise was part spandex until it was too late

this is by far the WORST laundry holocaust i've ever committed. usually a couple of coins or even a stick of gum make their way into it, but...a whole BOX of fabric softener sheets?

at least i didn't wash my paycheck again.
corduroy? does it have to be laundered differently?

no, i wasn't high. i was cooking while i sorted clothes, but i was cooking MASOOR DAL, whose only ingredients are red lentils, turmeric, salt, oil, and unchopped garlic. so it wasn't even that i was seriously distracted.
that's pretty horrific. my gf seems to like to wash & dry things of mine that shouldn't be washed- like wool sweaters.

do you eat the cloves whole? sounds potent. i've had that in pasta before and cooked it's not bad, but it's not necessarily the most sociable eating experience.
last night i made some sort of jambalaya/paella thing with rice, tomato, green onion, green pepper, more tomatoes, and a can o' vegetarian chili. didn't want to go to the store so just used whatever was there.
ugh i replied to this and it got lost. :/

anyway, no we just washed our cords with markers in the pockets that we forgot to take out and they were all streaked and ruined.
well, you make the dal, and right before you serve it you heat up a little pan of oil and drop the cloves in (sliced once, lengthwise). you fry 'em for two or three minutes, until they turn brown, and then dump the whole pan into the pot of dal and stir it up. it's more for the garlic infusion in the oil than for eating the whole cloves, but I don't bother picking them out and don't even really notice when i eat them in the course of the meal.
for the number of days i wear light-colored khaki pants to work, the fact that nothing has been spilled yet remains astounding. although the fact that most of the pants were only $5 may have something to do with their lack of gravitational pull of all things stainable.