things of the weekend


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
song of the weekend: "It Doesn't Matter" by Allison Krauss and Union Station.

album of the weekend: Rush-Grace Under Pressure

Buffy episode of the weekend: tie between either Hush(mostly silent episode) or A New Man(Giles turning demon-y). I think probably Hush because I can never get tired of watching that one. The Gentlemen are the roxxors.

Videogame of the weekend: Metroid: Prime: While i bought my GameCube specifically for Megaman. I made a great deal more progress in Metroid aside from not being able to find my way out of the area after you defeat the Parasite Queen and need to evacuate before the place goes all kablooey.
The Buffy episode of the weekend for me is Angel from the first season.
Song of the weekend: Alexisonfire's 44 Caliber Love Letter.
Album of the weekend: Mars Volta's De-Loused in the Comatorium
Show of the weekend: Nevermore
Moment of the weekend: Seeing 6 friends I haven't seen for over a year.
Beverage of the weekend: Iced Mocha
I'm so fucking bored!
song of the weekend: Fortunate Son - CCR (how appropriate is this 30+ yr old song in these times? 2:18 of pure anger.
album of the weekend: Derek Trucks Band - Joyful Noise
moment of the weekend: getting three books in at the library that I had reserved. I know...Poindexter.
movie of the weekend: watched only one, The Four Feathers. confusingly, poorly adapted from the book
xfer said:
a courthouse in vermont, or canada?

Ahhh, am I missing something here? I feel like I'm missing something.

But, it was in Wisconsin or Michingan. Not sure which. I'm not particularily fond of this portion of the family.


song of the weekend: none
album of the weekend: none
moment of the weekend: walking home at bar time in the rain. I got wet but I was very drunk so it was fun
movie of the weekend: Darkness Falls
my weekend:
wedding plans, printing invitations, visiting in-laws-to-be, grocery shopping, housework and entertaining the dogs.
no songs, no movies.

we did decide we're renting an RV for the honeymoon and driving up to Vancouver n back tho. that should be fun.
I have high hopes my travel restrictions will be lifted or at least eased by your wedding day. Perhaps you could put a word in with Sharon at the next Elders of Zion meeting?

I will be eagerly watching the mail!
oh man i am about to get sucked into the deep black vortex known as wedding planning too. i can feel it sucking my future's pocketbook dry already.
before i do that, i have to get into home brewing so i have some nice homemade beer for the reception. for some reason i decided i wanted to do that.

movie of the weekend: insomnia
beer of the weekend: loft from new belgium
show of the weekend: Ilya (very cool- got in for free (thxjake) so i could afford a shirt)