things that bug me 1/22/03


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
1. Having my face become numb by the time i finish walking to the train station.

2. Leaving my house perfectly healthy but having my nose be runny by the time i finish walking to the train station.

3. The fact that Providence's train station has tracks numbered 1,2,3, and 5. What the fuck happened to track 4?

4. Students coming in to our office to complain to us about other offices and their shitty policies.

5. this sucky weather.
you, my friend, are having a not so good past couple of days.

my cheeks felt like ice blocks when i got here.

pls see my thread about the cloned cat. it's wicked cute.
actually i am feeling pretty ok today and in general. basically i was a bit cranky this morning after i was woken up by a terrible nightmare about the demon bad guy from Angel and my cat falling in molten lava. then the weather.

i am really not that grouchy.
1. Pipes freezing again (hopefully they won't burst while we're at work)

2. Coworkers breaking things and me having to fix them.

3. People trying to verbally interact with me.

Oh, Greg that is really sweet! Our cat was a huge pain in the ass last night, he dumped a full glass of water on some of my books. I didn't kiss him this morning :(
i spent a good 45 minutes last night splitting an elastic fishtank tube down the side and then wrapping it around a new a/c cord because freddy keeps biting through them. the joy of pets!

also, i set a candle on my radiator last night 'for a second' and forgot about it. it melted all over the floor (and it was one of those oily paraffin candles!) and so i didnt have time to clean it up and had to barracade the area off so freddy wouldnt chew on it and make himself sick.
it's gonna be 10 degrees here tonight i heard? it didn't feel that cold until a gust of wind shot up the back of my jacket :(
It's chilly and I need to walk 15 minutes across campus. Someone come and hold me!
1.) Lack of communication in the office on other people's part that results in me not doing certain tasks which results in me seeming irresponsible

2.) Figuring out that a problem that certain editors were having was their fault because they did something incorrectly, but blamed it on an equipment problem, so when I tell everyone there is no equipment problem, they believe the editors instead and call in an outside tech to cme look at it. He comes in and tells them there is no equipment problem and they believe him and tell me to make coffee

3.) The freelancer here wanting my job, so he kisses ass and goes way above and beyond, making me look bad
1. Being in class from 9am to 3:20 pm.

2. Walking to class in this weather.

3. Smoking outside in the cold.

4. Covering shitty, 2 hour-long, town meeting about autistic kids for my internship.

5. Batteries running out in my car CD player and having to be introduced to the musical stylings of Hoobastank.
1. Falling asleep on one of your arms, only to observe it to be numb and, well, black (!) the next morning...

wait, thats more frightening then annoying, isn't it?

2. Pearl Jam and Creed

3. People burping, not when they have gas built up in their bodies, but for the fun of it...

4. Red meat is unhealthy for some reason...

5. Capitalism