Things that Really Irritate You:

Money. I want a whole lot for about 6 months and then never have to deal with it again.

My annoying little fuck of a neighbor that got evicted a month ago but is now squatting in his apartment with no possessions. He drives everyone around him insane but if I give him the Ka-bar treatment I'D go to jail.

Hunger. This is a quick fix, I'm going to lunch soon.
People changing their names or avators every 8 minutes.
Trolls and fake accounts.
Ignorant people with their novelty views of black metal.
People who only put music on one side of the tape.

I'll think of more.

you NEED this:


There's a party in my mouth.
Yoo-hooooo, blink tags for your chompers!
"Oral Disco is a multi-coloured light cleverly concealed inside a plastic mould. This easily and comfortably slides onto your upper or lower teeth. When you switch it on, it makes your whole mouth glow in an array of colourful light! The light moves from tooth to tooth as if dancing, hence the 'disco' name."
I've seen shit like that before, or maybe just lit up tongue rings or something. Weird stuff. I'm not KINGNADISTHEHIATHGOkstlrxo by the way. :p


People that take music too seriously, jazz and black metal fans in particular.

People with no sense of humour.

Hypocrites and liars (these are my big two, everything else is just minor irritation).
Everytime I post a new reply or edit a previous post it goes to "The Page Cannot Be Displayed" page. AAAAAAHHCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!111111111
Hotmail is being extremely gay. I sent myself an email 3 days ago and still haven't received it, it took 36 hours for me to get a reply from Erik(Watain) after he sent it, I can't get emails at all from a couple of other people, and so I made a new one at hotmail AND IT'S BEING GAY TOO.

So then I decided to make one at Yahoo, and some FUCK already used the name "caelumadustum."
Hotmail fucking blows. I got banned from Hotmail for being a terrorist, that was pretty cool.
Explain NAD!

Things that annoy me:

-HOt, Humid weather.
-Women getting mad at you because your sick and can't go downtown with them.
-Cold Coffee
-Warm Milk
-People throwing up.
I had an account with them since around when they started (like 1996, long before Micro$hit bought them out), and always thought it was a great service until it became spam-infested. So one day they up and closed my account without warning deleting all kinds of cool shit I had saved in there. It took several days and several nasty emails to get a response, they said I was making threatening remarks from my account or something, and that they authenticated my IP address so they knew it was me.

I think what happened is that I got sent several email viruses by Outlook using idiots, and replied with stuff like "fix your virus or fuck off and die" and they reported me to Hotmail. Fags.
People that are so desperately starved for attention, they dye their hair, and tell you every little fucking story of their lives, because their parents neglected them as children.

Women who feel they have a divine order from a female god to tell you what to do 24 hours a day.
hmmm, irritants...hmmm

-when you take a poop and it looks like there's more than enough toilet paper. then when you get to wiping, it runs out when you still need more!! GODDAMN.
-customers, in general.
-maryland residents, in general.
-expensive groceries.
-waking up in the middle of the night needing to blow your nose but too sleepy to get a kleenex so you lay there in nasal misery. or also, this same situation but when you gotta pee