This blows!

Best of luck to Urban, and best to the the TM guys as well...I'm just glad I was able to see the performance at ProgPower V.
what a great ride it's been...

as much as I love Tad Morose's new direction, I wouldn't mind seeing them bring back a little bit of their doom influence in the future...
I hate he's leaving Tad Morose, but the band was talented before the addition of Urban. I'm sure they'll be able to find a great singer and continue their fantastic songwriting.

And as long as Urban stays busy with some type of music project, I won't hold it against him. Are you listening, Urban!?


I wish both camps much success! CHEERS!

booB said:
what a great ride it's been...

as much as I love Tad Morose's new direction, I wouldn't mind seeing them bring back a little bit of their doom influence in the future...
Agreed. I wish Urban and all of them the best for whatever is next.

wowowowow...didn't see that coming...
Can't say I saw it coming, but it isn't a huge surprise. Urban and the rest of the guys were clearly on different planes of existence. Spend a few minutes with them and that was clear.
The Wolf said:
Actually, I was wondering if we could start referring to Shay as the Metal Yoko??? Conspiracy theories anyone???


She didn't have anything to do with it except for being a supportive partner during her fiance's decision. That's not fair to even insinuate, and it's incredibly rude, especially on a public forum. Sheesh... :Smug:
Actually, I was wondering if we could start referring to Shay as the Metal Yoko??? Conspiracy theories anyone???

sure, if you want to start spouting bullshit with no basis in fact whatsoever...

Shaye's a nice girl.
The Wolf said:
Actually, I was wondering if we could start referring to Shay as the Metal Yoko??? Conspiracy theories anyone???


You've proven the theory that it takes less than 20 posts to go from The Wolf to The Jackass.